
American Racial Stereotyping Hampered Chinese Immigrants Essay

Decent Essays

American Racial Stereotyping Hampered Chinese Immigrants from Being Part of the Mainstream Society
With the passing of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the first federal law was enacted restricting immigrants of a specific nationality from entering the United States due to Americans attributing dire economic uncertainty to Chinese laborers who take away jobs from native-born Americans. Anti-Chinese sentiments greatly proliferated throughout the United States during the late 19th century and early 20th century. Sui Sin Far, the author of the short story “Her Chinese Husband,” delineates how the prejudice of society against interracial marriage between a white woman and a Chinese man challenges both Minnie Carson and Liu Kanghi as a couple in the late 19th century. On the other hand, Frank Norris, the author of the short story “The Third Circle,” depicts an engaged white couple, Hillegas and Miss Ten Eyck, exploring Chinatown in San Francisco with a 19th century setting and the disappearance of his fiancée into white slavery; throughout the story, Hillegas, who has strong thoughts on binary oppositions and ideologies between the West and the East, practices Orientalism by looking at the Chinese culture as barbarism. From looking at these two stories together, one can conclude that American racial stereotyping hampered Chinese immigrants from being part of the mainstream society.
It is often said that America is a “melting pot,” but in reality it is just a racial

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