
American Religion And The American Of American Culture And Spirit By Harold Koh And Ted Bromund

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American Exceptionalism

American Exceptionalism is defined in literature as Americans’ deprecation of power politics and old-fashioned diplomacy, mistrust of powerful standing armies and entangling peacetime commitments, their supposedly moralistic judgements about other people’s domestic systems, and belief that liberal values transfer readily to foreign affairs. The reason for American Exceptionalism could be chased back to American Culture and American Spirit. Even though the United States system is not subject to the same contradictions and influences as other countries. The belief in American superiority finds its foundation in some of their culture’s basic religious and cultural constructs. And it’s being confirmed that the mental and moral superiority of Americans being actively reiterated by American culture to the American public via movies, television and political rhetoric. The American Spirit is being realized for all Americans are told in media that only they know how the world really works, and only they know how it should be worked. So the American Exceptionlism is the result of American culture and spirit.
Harold Koh and Ted Bromund are keeping different opinions based on the influence of American Exceptionlism. It is a debate between “pure” virtues and “both good and bad”. In my opinion, American Exceptionalism has both good and bad sides and we should try to reduce the double standards by following better angles of national nature.
In the

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