
American Revolution Dbq

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The American Revolution for the Native American population was a time of civil strife, a threatened existence and the cap stoning event that would ultimately take any and all remaining power held in the new America. Those factors are made very identifiable from the downfall of the Iroquois Confederation that was established in the 15th century before the arrival of the European’s arrival (Revolutionary Limits: Native Americans, 2014). As a result of the Revolutionary war the tribes was split into two factions and at the end of the war, neither were granted favorable diplomatic arrangements resulting in the forced removal from their traditional lands (Revolutionary Limits: Native Americans, 2014). This would lead to many years of war and broken attempts at treaties between the competing cultures of the American colonies and the Native American peoples. Many of the Native tribes of the time met the resulting dismissal of their rights as landowners and citizens with confusion, disbelief, anger …show more content…

The ensuing internal strife from choosing separate sides, created rifts in the tribal confederations, and pitted brother against brother. The lack of Colonial Americans respect of tribal lands and diplomacy coupled with the Native American reliance on Europeans trade goods and technology put the Native peoples at a disadvantage (Calloway, 2012). With continued internal strife on how to interact and coexist with the white American government also came the added stressors’ of their reform programs meant to civilize Native communities to white American standards (Calloway, 2012). The reform programs and continued obliteration of the Native Americans and their culture would lead to an extreme loss of their history and many cultural identities. Alcohol, disease, learned individualistic traits, capitalism and forced religious reform are the reason for the downfall of America’s first

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