A few days ago, around 5:00 a.m., with as many as 700 British troops, march into Lexington looking for 77 armed minutemen. British Major John Pitcairn ordered the patriots to spread out, which made the Americans drift off of the green. The first shot was the '' shot heard from around the world '' creating a cloud of smoke over the battlefield. On April 19, 17775 when the battle of Lexington, Massachusetts ended with eight dead or dying Americans and ten others.
From the British only one soldier is wounded, but the American revolution has just begun. Their is tension between the American colonies and the British government, reaching the breaking point. The British governor of Massachusetts, who is also General Thomas Gage, received instructions
On April 19th, 1775, infantrymen of the British Army clashed with colonial Patriots near Boston, MA. British troops, also known as redcoats, had been in Boston for seven years to ensure that the Intolerable Acts were enforced. Colonists had already demonstrated their displeasure for their king with the Boston Tea Party, and now the British were on the offensive attempting to confiscate the arms of the rebels. Militiamen were alerted and a standoff occurred at Lexington and Concord. History has left us in doubt about which side fired first, triggering the Revolutionary War. But various stories give different accounts. American poet Ralph Waldo Emerson called it the "shot heard 'round the world," and described it as coming from the colonials. There is more reason to believe that the first shot did come from the side of the Patriots simply because they had more to gain by initiating a war. This paper will show why it is more reasonable to believe that the Patriots fired first.
On the cold and snowy night of March 5, 1770, rioters marched down King Street in Boston, breaking the usual silence. In front of the customs office, the violent rioters were met by five British soldiers and their commanding officer. They immediately began haranguing the soldiers. During the ensuing chaos, the soldiers, who had been bombarded by stones and balls of ice, were becoming anxious as they waited for commands from their superiors. However, the soldiers panicked when they heard, through the yells of the rioters, the word “Fire!”. Upon hearing that word, the soldiers opened fire on the crowd with their muskets. “Shouts and curses filled the air.” (pg. 206). Five rioters were swiftly killed.This was the infamous Boston Massacre- An event that shaped U.S. history and fed the growing flames of revolution among the British colonists in America. After the massacre, the outraged people of Boston called for a trial. Defending the soldiers was renowned lawyer and future president John Adams, who believed that everyone should be granted a fair trial. With the help of Mr. Adams, the soldiers were determined to achieve victory. Through months of thought and many struggles, they succeeded. As punishment, the soldiers were branded and sent back to England, but
After a victorious win against the French in the long exhausting Seven Years War, the British were quickly faced with another challenged, war debts. Unable to paid off the debts, England decided to raise taxes on their closest allies, the colonists. To this, it ended salutary neglect as Britain rose taxes on stamps, teas, and anything else that was legal by the king. As the years passes, the colonists slowly became intolerant and agreed to join forces with one another against the British, thus began the american revolution. Moreover, in Yorktown, the final battle of the American Revolution, the colonists won as they proudly claim their victory prize, freedom. After the separation with Britain, some of their steps that led to independence was
The Revolutionary War, America’s conflict with Great Britain, the most powerful country in the world at the time, resulted in the independence of the United States of America. Through a war that lasted just over eight years, a relatively small country, which was actually a largely oversized settlement connected by roads, villages, towns, and cities before they won the war, was able to defeat the British with the help of France along the way. The war was caused by the rebellious reactions of the colonists to the taxes and acts that King George III had put into place to pay for the cost of the French and Indian War. The colonists were angered because of the taxes they were forced to pay for a war that was not theirs. The Revolutionary War proved
As a result of this battle, the American Revolutionary War began. This battle probably had the biggest impact on the American Revolutionary War. 49 colonists were killed, while 73 British were killed. 39 colonists were wounded and 174 British were wounded. This battle showed that the colonists had a chance to win this war, and it showed King George III that the colonists would not stand for injustice.
On March 5, 1770, a large group of colonists began to surround a group of soldiers in front of the State House. Soon it went from trading insults to shouting at each other, even throwing snowballs. Until, out of an act of self-defense because they thought they were about to be attacked, the British started to shoot the colonists. Five colonists were killed, including Crispus Attucks. This enraged the people of Boston.
1st, Resolved, That whoever shall aid, or abet, or in any manner assist in the introduction of tea, from any place whatsoever, into this colony, while it is subject, by a British act to parliament, to the payment of a duty, for the purpose of raising a revenue in American, he shall be deemed an enemy to the liberties of America.
On an “unremarkably clear and pleasant” day in April 19, 1775, the shot that was said to had been able to be heard around the world was fired. (A Guide to Battles) This began the battles in which we know as Lexington and Concord, and the war we know as the Glorious/American revolution. It was fought between the British whom had feared American retaliation for some time, and the American Colonies whom were tired of feeling oppressed by the British. General Thomas Gage advised his British superiors to prepare for war, but this advice was refused and when the time finally came, they were not prepared for the fight at hand. (History of AM Rev) Many events, rules, and regulations helped to lead up to the retaliation of the Americans.
The American Revolution politically and economically shaped the development of the country. The British established the Proclamation Line of 1763, that did not allow colonists to settle beyond the Appalachians. The taxes laid on the colonists economically shaped the development of the country. The British laid taxes on the colonies that helped get rid of the huge debt that accumulated from the French and Indian war. This was known as the Stamp Act of 1765.
Many claim the American revolution to be conservative; however, evidence suggests otherwise. Throughout the Eighteenth Century, short term and long term changes occurred within Colonial America. Some of the rapid changes include, and are not limited to, the change of government, the mobility of social status to even the poor, and how mercantilism rapidly changed into capitalism.
The American Revolution was the first time any country had fought for independence, and that was a big deal in the 1700s. At the time, Great Britain was considered to be the greatest empire in the nation-how did thirteen little colonies with no military experience defeat this powerful empire? The colonists were very hesitant at first, but with superb leadership, help from the French, and a few errors made by British commanders, the colonies were able to conquer Great Britain and create their own empire.
The American Revolution marked the historical intensity associated with this great nation. The revolution was multifaceted and was also dynamic in nature as it involved a lot of twists and turns that later shaped the course of the American citizens. There are numerous causes linked with the triggering and commencement of the revolution. The discussion below critically exploits and explores various reasons that led to the start of the revolution.
The American Revolution is an important event in history because the revolution led to the start of our country. Without the revolution the United States we know today wouldn’t exist. The American Revolution was not fought over paying taxes but instead a main reason colonists fought was over who had the authority to tax the colonist. Colonists felt that taxation without representation was unjust. Freedom of speech and the ability to trade with whoever the colonists wanted to were also reasons for the American Revolution (5-U3.1.5).
On June 16, 1775, the Americans had just learned the British were sending troops to Boston, to surround the hill which had up to one thousand colonial militiamen. At first they were not trying to prepare for a fight, they
This lesson is a sequel to the previous events between England and America. The American Revolution happened in 1775, right in between the first and second Continental Congress. It all started with the formation of the Minutemen, a group of militia organized to protect themselves from the British redcoats. Some members of the Minutemen were "look-outs," Paul Revere is a famous one. The redcoats were ordered to go where Hancock and Adams might be hiding out. The redcoats were heading to Lexington and Concord, when Paul Revere spotted them. Paul Revere then spread word around the town quickly and people gathered their weapons. The shot gun heard around the world happened this same night in the town of Lexington. Though, to this day no one knows