
American Samoa Research Paper

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American Samoa is located in the South Pacific Ocean, 60 miles (97 kilometers) east of the Independent State of Samoa, it’s latitude is -14.16 and the longitude is -170.42. It is a 17hr and 45 min flight to American Samoa from Houston Tx. American Samoa 5856 miles (9425 km) away from Houston Tx. It lies about 1600 miles northeast of New Zealand, and 2200 miles southwest of the U.S state of Hawaii. In American Samoa, they have different type of religions, there’s Congregational Christian church in samoa, Roman Catholic Latter-day Saints, and Methodist. Ninety eight percent of Samoans are Christians. They are extremely proud of their devotion. Several Christian denominations, including Methodists, Seventh Day Adventists, Catholics, and Mormons,

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