
American Schizophrenia Case Study

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S: Jani describes having imaginary friends that are good and bad and her names are related to numbers. The good ones are her friends and she talks with them constantly. The bad ones tell her to do “bad things” that she feels must do if not they will hit her until she does. Her father explain how difficult it has been for the whole family and the difficult decision of separation Jani and her brother because they were scared she will hurt the baby. Living apart has made life difficult for the family and a big financial stressor.
O: Client seems healthy and clean. There is redness around the eyes that can be contributed to her lack of sleep. Jani seems healthy and likes to do normal activities like swimming, playing at the park, and using a scooter. Jani has not friends; she prefers the company to her imaginary friends and talk to them. It is hard for her to stay still in one place and moves her head constantly. She experience violent episodes towards her brother who had to be removed from the apartment into another apartment. …show more content…

Diagnose Criteria
Schizophrenia 295.90 (F20.9)
A. Two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a 1 month period (or less if successfully treated). At least one of these must be (1), (2), or (3):
1. Delusions
Jani believes her imaginary friends that are bad will hurt her if she does not do what she is told by them.
2. Hallucinations
Jani has many imaginary friends that talk to her and play with her.
3. Disorganized speech
Jani goes to one topic to the

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