Terrorism, a very prevalent topic in today’s society can be viewed in many different sectors, depending on the actions taken by terrorist organizations. American Terrorism, Environment Style, written by Doug Bandow, predominantly deliberates about the acts/ views of eco-terrorism. With close alliance to the title, the opening statement, “Terrorists are loose in America- eco- terrorists (cite), expresses the emergence of eco- terrorism. Eco-terrorism, according to the Federal Bureau, “is the use or threatened use of violence of a criminal nature against people or property by an environmentally oriented subnational group for environmental political reasons or aimed at an audience beyond the target, often of a symbolic nature” (cite).The attacks …show more content…
never had biological warfare. However, the two eco-terrorist groups, Environmental Liberation Front (ELF) and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) have created damages worth up to 45 million dollars, from incidents that date back to the 1996. ELF and ALF used arson, which started to kill people as well as destroy property (cite). With no discouragement to the eco-saboteurs, eco-terrorism on the rise is going to start killing people and destroying property. Humans, are part of one earth-network (ecosystem) along with plants, animals and inanimate objects. The intention to kill a nonliving object, like an SUV, eco-terrorist have begun to kill parts of earth’s eco-system. In the end, eco-terrorist are doing what they did not intend to do. Doug Bandow, a consequentialist philosopher, believes that having a good-outcome is caused because of a good- action and vice versa, bad-outcomes have bad- actions. Doug talks about the ALEC and how there is no fine- line between judging actions that are good or actions that are bad. Under a valid argument, of a conditional argument (modus ponens), it can be concluded that, If ALEC conducted laws against eco-terrorism, then there will be a decrease of crimes. ALEC conducted laws against eco- terrorism. Therefore, there is a decrease of eco-terrorism acts. As a character Doug Bandow can be seen as
By referring to it as eco-terrorism the government categorizes it as a form of domestic terrorism. The government has used anti-terrorism resources to arrest and detain environmentalist activists because when an event is referred to as eco-terrorism it can be assumed that anyone involved is a terrorist. Because of this scare that is being created from the invisible hand of the government and is instilled in the people, it is compared to the Red Scare. The government is trying to create a fear of the environmentalism movement in the people of the nation that do not identify themselves as environmentalists in order to wipe out the movement
World War II was a time of great urgency and sacrifice that called upon unity for not just soldiers, but also everyday citizens. America needed a way to get this message across quickly and effectively and so they did it in the forms of posters and speeches. The World War II propaganda that was created to unite and encourage patriotism across the United States played a pivotal and vital role in the United Nation’s victory.
Vulnerability assessments on terrorism were designed to establish any loopholes in a security system that are prone to harm or attack by a person who may have intentions to harm a particular location, an event or an individual. The main goal of terrorism vulnerability assessments is to establish the weaknesses of facilities across a variety of probable threats. Once such threats are assessed, physical and operational measures of improvement are put in place so as to make sure that such facilities are adequately protected. Such assessments can be administered to a vast range of facilities ranging from existing site management and new construction design over the life of service of such structures. This paper will delve into critical vulnerability assessment of three locations. The first location being Susquehanna Bank Center in Camden City, the Benjamin Franklin Bridge and lastly Corriell Institute for Medical Research.
The Puritans were very strict in their rules and ways of living. Many offences were considered sins to Puritans and were punishable by death or being shunned by society. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the three main characters all commit sins and suffer for doing so, bringing their own ruin. Sin has detrimental consequences for all people.
The United States experienced one of the biggest scaled Domestic Terror Attacks on eleventh September 2001. These assaults against our incredible country were done with the capturing of numerous aircraft transporters. The repercussions of these appalling demonstrations left the aggregate decimation of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and other relevant areas. After these occasions the USA Patriot Act of 2001 was passed, and the Department of Homeland Security started to devise and execute the first of numerous missions and conventions to alleviate any further dangers to the United States. Since the sanction of the Patriot Act, there have been various indications of fear based oppressor plots and thwarted assaults against the United States
Foreign and domestic policies are not linear, rather the policies are connected in a circle, with each policy reinforcing the values of another. Domestic American terrorism in the prison and detention systems and governmental reforms are influenced by the mobilization and ethnocentrism abroad. The militarization internationally is justified by the domestic handling of the same cultural issues within the United State borders. The United States has strangely used a near Catch-22 to handle dilemmas. The United States has allowed perspective to become reality, whether with oneself or regarding issues abroad, specifically in the Middle East. Terrorism is the use or threat of fear for political or economical gain. An internal characteristic of terrorism is how dependent it is of perspective, one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. To understand “terrorism,” a focus must be applied to the history, what drove an organization to commit such acts. Respectively, the Middle East has been a hotbed for the key word “terrorism,” especially because of 9/11. Subsequently, Muslims have been stigmatized by the United States as terrorists. The consequences spawned because of 9/11 require a look to the past to understand the present.
In a United States-centered world, when one considers domestic terrorism, often one assumes that the United States is being spoken about, with all other acts of terrorism being deemed as “international.” While it is true that it would be international from a US standpoint, if all acts of terrorism are seen within a bubble it makes it much more difficult to combat terrorists before they become a larger problem. Often, many domestic terrorists can go on to have an impact on the international community and Greece is no different. They, like many other countries, have their own internal terrorism issues and ironically, most of these groups like November 17, Revolutionary People’s Struggle or Revolutionary Nuclei, are anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist
Domestic Terrorism can be described as many things. The FBI describes domestic terrorism as, “Perpetrated by individuals and/or groups inspired by or associated with primarily U.S.-based movements that espouse extremist ideologies of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.” People who commit domestic terrorism crimes often have different motives such as: religion, political, and even race. A specific case that resembles this, is the shooting in Las Vegas which occurred on June 8, 2014.
As a result of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, most Americans have a general knowledge about terrorism. The U.S. military has been at war for around a decade, continuing the concentration of the media and politicians on Middle Eastern countries and terrorist groups. Consequently, the focus of the nation tends to remain on international terrorist groups rather than domestic terrorist groups. There is a vast amount of terrorism groups in America, including the Army of God, the Aryan Nations, and the Animal Liberation Front, who possess extreme ideals and exist for different reasons. The fact that there are numerous terrorist groups that are composed of American citizens performing tremendous acts of violence within the U.S. seems to go somewhat unnoticed by the general public.
Throught the years terrorism have drastically changed our point of view of the world. In the 20th century terrorist did not have that much of technology to work with including aviation. Now a days they have more methods and forms to attack countries and states. A brief definition of terrorism is a use of violence acts to scare people in an area as a way to achieve political goals. Terrorism is the cause of many wars throughout history continues to this day leading to nations; such as Iraq and the United States fighting to rid the world of this evil.
I do believe that domestic terrorism is still a treat within the United States because of the current violence against civilian population like black lives matter, the KKK or those that randomly attack our police officers. There attentions are to intimidate the everyday law bidding citizens in an attempt to their way of thinking our beliefs. “Homegrown terrorists are produced a number of ways. The first involves individuals who become radicalized by personal experiences. The second might involve a similar pat to radicalization, but it also involves some type of foreign connections.” (White 2014 p. 323) These are the ones that may have parents or other family members from another country and attempt to attack U.S. citizens. I believe that
The documentary When a Tree Falls is about the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), a environmentalist terrorist organization based in the United States that was active during the 1990s and 2000s. I will be focusing on the ELF activist, Daniel McGowan’s recruitment and radicalization, as well the radicalization of the moderates and the implications of the term “terrorism”. It is crucial to mention that When a Tree Falls portrays Daniel McGowan as a relatable, peaceful man with the intention of having the audience to empathize with him. The documentary extensively explains McGowan’s background, including his childhood living among the urban (lower, middle or upper?) class in Brooklyn, New York and his academic career.
“Special interest terrorism differs from traditional right-wing and left-wing terrorism in that extremist special interest groups seek to resolve specific issues, rather than effect widespread political change. Special interest extremists continue to conduct acts of politically motivated violence to force segments of society, including the general public, to change attitudes about issues considered important to their causes. These groups occupy the extreme fringes of animal rights, pro-life, environmental, anti-nuclear, and other movements. Some special interest extremists -- most notably within the animal rights and environmental movements -- have turned increasingly toward vandalism and terrorist activity in attempts to further their causes” (Jarboe, 2002).
The perpetrators of terrorism have changed over time. Domestic terrorism has its roots in the United States going back to the Colonial Era, where some argue that patriots such as in the Boston Tea Party used terror tactics to spread their message (Zalman, 2015). Many argue that the acts patriots took were
Homestead High School has consistently been a good platform for students to experiment with their passions and studies. Multiple types and levels of math, science, and literature are available, helping students become more educated adults in society. Furthermore, many electives from art to language to business are offered, so students are always able to determine their interests early on and become more specialized in whatever field they choose. Even more so, Homestead has always encouraged music as part of its curriculum with its top ranking musical program, such as Marching Band, Color Guard, and Winter Percussion, as well as Orchestra, Choir, and AP Music Theory. However, one class Homestead has never offered as an elective is Beginners’ Music, where one would be able to learn how to play multiple instruments throughout the year