
American Women In The 19th Century

Good Essays

A woman’s job during the 19th century was intense and many women overworked hard labor jobs. Each women’s job was different according to their social class, color, what gender they were attracted too, and if they were married. Charity and Sylvia were two lesbian women in the 19th century who had to go through work hardships in order to survive. Housewives and married labor women were dependent on their husbands, “Though the exact composition of her setting obviously depended upon the occupation and economic status of her husband, its general outlines were surprisingly similar regardless of where it was located” (Kerber 43). Free Black women had to face everyday struggles in order to maintain a roof on top of their heads, “Whether or not they …show more content…

Housewives during the 19th century were known to make these glorious foods, “Since wives were involved with early morning milking, breakfast of necessity featured prepared foods or leftover toasted bread cheese, and perhaps meat and turnips kept from the day before, any of this washed down with cider or beer in winter, with milk in summer” (Kerber 45). An interesting role that a women housewife played was “…regulating fires- a task so fundamental that it must have appeared more as habit than craft” (Kerber 45). Women who regulated the fire had to stand by the fireplaces, “Preparing several dishes simultaneously, a cook could move from one fire to another, turning a spit, check in the state of the embers under a skillet, adjusting the height of a pot hung from the lug-pole by its adjustable trammel” ( Kerber 45). It was also a woman’s job to milk and skin the cows. The cows were used for meat and milk, “Even in new settlements they could survive by browsing on rough land; their meat was a hedge against famine. But only in areas with abundant meadow would they produce milk with sufficient butterfat for serious dairying” (Kerber 46). During the fall season, a housewife would prepare the cider; it was an easy way to preserve the apples, “The mildly alcoholic beverage produced by natural fermentation …show more content…

Your pay depended on your job description, “…a woman hired both to cook and to do the laundry earned between $3 and $4 a week. Seamstresses and maids averaged two-and-a-half dollars a week. On the market, caring for children was at the lower end of the pay scale, seldom commanding more than $2 a week” (Kerber 129). If you were a women during the 19th century you were put into a “…paradigm that guided the social and economic position of women” (Kerber 135). The paradigm shifted from Goodwife, to mother, to worker, and nurturer, each authority was essential to the survival for a

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