American Constitution
Guatemalan Constitution
A comparative study
The American Constitution has as its precedent, the event when Thomas Jefferson wrote most of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Its purpose was to announce to the world that the 13 English colonies in North America had decided to become independent from England to start a new country; where their own ideals and precepts were held to make and American Union. The U.S. Constitution states fundamental principles which guide the United States’ Government and its laws. When it was written in 1787, it was the plan that told the commencing country how to form its government. The Guatemalan Constitution emerged after military leaders faced
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Some of the most important ones contain similitude: For example; the first amendment states that the Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Guatemala’s Constitution, in it’s 35th and 36th articles, state analogous ideology, affirming the liberty of expression and religion amongst the inhabitants of the territory; with the exception that the rites or exercise of these liberties does not imply a public order disruption or the diminish of a third party’s inherent rights and liberties. The religious liberty has been avowed in several prior Constitutions, but was never really applied, due to the predominance of Roman Catholic principles (inherited from the conquering Spaniards centuries ago). Another principle is that a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. The military, in Guatemala are in charge of the defense of the national territory; but the tenancy of defense weapons is permitted as a constitutional principle as well. This liberty was subsequently limited by a special law that regulated the matter, stating that individuals must be at least 25 years old to carry
The Constitution is a set of basic principles and laws that states the power and duties of the government, and is still used today. The Constitution limited the power of the national government and protected the rights of the people
The Declaration of Independence was the first document to be adopted by the founding fathers in 1776. Its main purpose was to separate from the British Monarchy. The colonists knew this would be a clear step towards a new form of practicing self-government. The form in which the colonist decided to move towards was a Democracy. Which was shown in the U.S Constitution. This meant that everyone would have a part in the new government system unlike the British where one had little to no say. With this declaration, the 13 Colonies became the United States of America.
Description: This is the United States Constitution, the founding document of the United States. It established the three branches of government and the powers given to each. It basically set forth the structure necessary to run the country. It was written in 1787, ratified in 1788. It has and is still used everyday in the United States of America.
After the United States gained Independence on July 4th 1776, there was a need for a new rule on law and basic rights. The foundation of our country needed an official document to be established and written for future generations and for concrete reference. The original idea regarding the document, was thought necessary to be drafted from the Articles of Confederation, but later this idea was deterred. The Constitution was created on new precedent and adopted on September 17th, 1787. Our Constitution was written to be the backbone of our established government “for the people by the people”. According to the Independence Hall Association’s
A constitution is the fundamental principles of government in a nation, either implied in its laws, institutions, and customs, or embodied in one fundamental document. The U.S. Constitution was completed on September 17, 1789 and has served as a model for the constitutions of many other nations. The constitution of the United States of America is the oldest written national constitution in use and consists of twenty-seven amendments.
The Constitution (LEQ) The Constitution is a document that basically frames out the entire government of the United States of America. It was created because the Articles of Confederation wasn’t powerful enough, and the forefathers believed that the country wouldn’t survive as long as the government was being ran how it was. In some ways the Constitution is a continuation of the Articles such as Enlightenment ideals. However, the Constitution was also a major departure from the Articles in regards to federalism, and diplomacy.
The Constitution of the United States is one of the first written constitutions and one of the ‘oldest’ to have been made on the national level and applicable today. It was developed and adopted by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in May and September, 1787. The Constitution of 1787 followed the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
A constitution is the system of fundamental principles according to which a nation is governed. Our founding fathers created the US Constitution to
America was founded on the principles of establishing and protecting liberty, which is described by The Declaration of Independence. The Constitution of the United States was written to provide a unified and functioning government and also to protect individual rights. The colonists disagreed with the workings of the British government and decided to become an independent state. Once the Constitution was put in place, “the First Congress of the United States proposed 12 amendments to the Constitution.” The
The 1st Amendment in the Bill of Rights states that, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances” (First Amendment).
The Constitution of the United States, signed September 17, 1787, is the basis of all government in the United States. It provides the general setup of the government through a system of checks and balances, the powers of each individual branch, and the standards to which the government should adhere. The US Constitution creates a blanket under which states
The U.S Constitution was established in the United States government September 17, 1787 by signing this document it was supposed to be a guaranteed document that allows all United State Citizen basic rights. The Constitution was created by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, George Washington played a major role in helping creating the first draft of the Constitution. The reason why the leader came together was because a lot of the states were operating like they were independent countries. During the 1787 convention, delegates devised a plan for a stronger federal government with three branches executive, legislative and judicial with a system of checks and balance to ensure that not just one branch of government would have too much
The creation of the US constitution was prompted my many different things going on. What established America’s national government and fundamental laws is the U.S constitution. It also guarantees basic rights for its citizens. The U.S constitution was signed on September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia, Pa. The first document before the U.S constitution was the Articles of Confederation, with that the government wasn’t very strong and the states didn’t act like they do today. In 1787, at the 1787 convention, delegates made a decision to make a stronger federal government that consisted of the executive, legislative, and the judicial branches. That wasn’t it either, it also had a system of checks and balances because they did not want one branch to be able to overpower another branch. The ten amendments of the Bill of Rights guarantees protections for people like religion and freedom of speech. In total, there are twenty-seven constitutional amendments.
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are two significant documents that transformed the history of the United States. The people of the “New World” went from being ruled by British law and living in the thirteen colonies, to becoming an independent nation with a democratic government. The Declaration was written to ensure that all official ties with its mother country, Great Britain, were suspended indefinitely. It then went on to describe the concepts and ideologies behind a just and fair government. The Constitution, however, outlined how the newly democratic government would operate. In 1776, after the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, a verdict was made that the only constructive way to ensure independence as a nation would be to declare independence from King George III, Parliament, and Great Britain. The colonists sought to fashion a clear, detailed document, known as the Declaration of Independence, which stated why the people chose to move in this direction as well as providing several arguments to support their case. This world-renown document is a symbol of the unity between the 13 colonies during their fight for independence during the American Revolutionary War.
In September 1787, a well written document called the U.S. Constitution was being created by our founding fathers, like George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and others, and was ratified on 1791 in Philadelphia at the Constitutional Convention. The Constitution to was established because our founding fathers wanted to “establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”, which says the Preamble, for everyone. The Preamble is a statement that is the introduction to the Constitution and was written to explain the purpose of the Constitution. The seven principles of the