
America's Superpower

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“When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the United States became the world's sole superpower”(Weiner). It is vital for The United states to act its part as the world superpower and continue to help govern and protect developing and recovering countries. As the world's only superpower we are given the opportunity to either stand by and watch as millions of people die from acts of terror and corruption, or use our immense political, economical, and military power to help save, and better the world and the lives of potentially billions of people. It is important America acts as a whole now more than ever, these following years of action or inaction of the US in the middle east can and will affect not only the US but countries around the world. …show more content…

Some propose that the UN can do what the US does and more with a faster, safer and more effective approach. The truth is, that cannot be. As stated and found by (America’s Destiny is) “It is almost impossible to get a consensus among the UN's member states, even when it comes to a threat as well documented as that posed by Saddam Hussein.” The UN has failed to prove itself effective at acting with dominant force and the ability to make decisions when the time comes. There are many parties within the UN and that makes it hard to come to a single decision as it will affect each country differently. If the US made the decision it could do it on a much more effective and productive scale. Another reason the US in morally bound and obligated to act as the police of the world is again, someone has to enforce the rules. There are many international laws and regulations that were made to benefit all people, but none of them are worth anything if we do not enforce them like any other law. (America’s Destiny is) says in it article, “There are, to be sure, lots of international laws on the books prohibiting genocide, landmines, biological weapons and other nasty things. But without …show more content…

Inaction is more dangerous and can cause a “potentially riskier and costlier -- than smart, limited intervention. Syria may seem far away, but every passing day, every calamitous, explosive, hate-infused day, makes it more America's -- and the world's -- problem” (Ghitis). Everyday more and more people are being displaced out of their homes and land because of war and terrorist acts posed by ISIS and the corrupt governments like Syria. These injustices imposed by these groups spread and will eventually effect of the world in action is not taken now. As seen by (Ghitis) again when he shows ““Millions of Syrians have fled their homes, straining resources and occasionally raining fire into Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and even Israel.” These millions of displaced refugees hurt surrounding countries and have forced them to even put up border lines and gates preventing these refugees from flooding their countries. This inflicts great stress and problems to these countries. Countries like Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq, because they are now having to increase security spending and take care of millions of homeless people who are starving and dying of injuries or disease that they just do not have the supplies to help. At this point, this is where the US needs to be brought in, if not sooner. The US has the capabilities to prevent all of these problems, but

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