Some of my earliest memories as a girl were spent inside of an Amish community. Although it was not religion that led my family to that community, it was a unique experience that gave me an early start to a diverse perspective. After leaving the Amish community behind, along with my abusive father, my mother, my six siblings, and I joined a strict Baptist church. My mother soon discovered our Jewish roots and started taking us to a synagogue. After many years I was able to meet the love of my life and my future husband in college. I say all of this to emphasize the importance of perspective. Unfortunately, my mother refuses to meet my fiancé’s mother or attend our wedding because my fiancé’s mother is Muslim. This is due to a lack of education
The Amish is a group of traditionalist Christians that rely on simple living, plain dress and refuse to adapt to modern technology. The history of the Amish started in Switzerland in 1693 led by Jakob Amman. Today majority of the traditional descendants of the Amish live in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
It’s very easy to find the differences between Amish and American societies and even though it may not seem like it at first glance there are some similarities between the two. Such as religion, yes America has a diverse set of religion, but both societies believe the right to religious freedom. That is why Amish societies are located in America because they are allowed to express their religion. Another similarity in both societies is education. Even though Amish children mostly only go to an eighth grade education, both societies prepare the children for adulthood and teach them skills that will help them in society.
The Old Order Amish in North America are a religious group which originate from the radical Swiss Anabaptist movement (Amish, 2015). The amish religion was formed between 1525 and 1536 during the Reformation. The Amish is one of the three religious groups that have originated from the Anabaptist, along with Mennonites and Hutterites. There was two main waves in which the Amish immigrated to America is; between 1727- 1790, and between 1815-1865. The Amish immigrated to america from Switzerland, Alsace-lorraine, Palatinate, France, and Holland. They immigrated to escape religious persecution and imprisionment in their original countries (Amish, 2015). It was to the point where they could not own land, and they may even be denied citizenship.
The Amish choose to wear a cape and apron and have straight pins or snaps. Amish girls wear amish bonnets, but the people who live in cold places such as the Nebraska Amish do not wear bonnets. Most Amish women make their own clothing, but some do buy clothing from local stores. Amish women don’t normally wear patterned clothing or jewelry.
Descriptive epidemiology focus on how a disease is spread within a population. This can be done in three different approaches such as counts, case series, and cross-sectional studies. The observation of the Amish population in Lancaster, PA favors the application of the cross sectional method of descriptive epidemiology.
Have you ever seen an Amish person or group of simple looking people walking down the busy streets of Pennsylvania or New York? This is because they stand out in a world full of noisy commotion with their goings and comings. The Amish religion was founded in 1693 by Jakob Amman originally in Switzerland. They believe in living very simple lives, helping one another in times of need, and dressing a specific way to both draw attention to, and divert attention away from themselves.
The Amish is a group of people whose population is exploding it’s about 251,000 people in their community.They do not get involved in state or national politics like vote or serve in the U.S. Military.The Amish history goes way back to the 18th century.The way they learn is that they support having one room schoolhouses for their students with about thirty students per classroom.They only attend school from 1st to 8th grade.The language that they speak is known as Pennsylvania German or Pennsylvania Dutch.The Traditions or Holiday they celebrate is easter Monday second Christmas,old christmas,pentecost and Ascension day.
In this paper I will be talking about the Amish religion and the aspects of it that make it such an interesting religion. This paper will discuss the origins and beliefs of the proud and dignified Amish people. This paper will discuss things like the history of the religion, its beliefs, how many people practice it, where it’s popular today, and closing remarks/thoughts on the research process.
This semester I chose to focus on the Amish religion. Many people assume that the Amish are just people who drive horses and buggies, but there’s so much more to them than that. “The Amish are a church, a community, a spiritual union, a conservative branch of Christianity, a religion, a community whose members practice simple and austere living, a familistic entrepreneuring system, and an adaptive human community” (Hostetler 4). I believe this quote expresses what the Amish religion really is. Amish was founded in Europe over 280 years ago. Eventually, they migrated to the United States. Now they are found in many U.S. states, primarily Northeast Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. Amish started as a reform group, before it became a religion. Throughout this semester, I have learned about all the aspects of the Amish religion.
In the United States, we are required to go to school up until the age that the state we live in has determined.The government believes requiring kids to go school will help society. This is a law through out the United States. In Wisconsin the age of requirement for kids to stay in school was 16 (now 18) but the Yoder family, who is Amish, believed going to school that long was not necessary.
My cultural background had changed since my mid-teens. We were raised Catholic but my family background as a child does not really reflect it. My parents were
Muslim women are continually marginalized by American society, due to their gender, religion, ethnicity and race. Between growing up in an Islamophobic country, being divided by race and religion, the social and cultural pressures of being a woman and the media/public labeling one as a terrorist, Muslim women face extremely challenging issues living in America. However, as a result of their unique intersectional axis, they fail to receive support from advocacy organizations. Thus, it is evident that the prevailing narrative concerning Muslim American women needs to change. The best approach would be an intersectional method, that addresses gender, religion, ethnicity and race. These steps should include increased funding and support for “outreach and support programs in schools, mosques and neighborhoods,” that seek to deepen the ties between Muslim American women and the broader communities at large
When I was a little girl, I remember standing in my grandfather’s kitchen staring at his fridge covered with photographs and newspaper articles. One clipping caught my attention. It was a wedding announcement for my cousin and his fiancé. I turned to my mom and asked, “Did they put their picture in the paper because she is Jewish?” My mother looked back at me with a confused, almost horrified look. She was disturbed that her seven year old would ask such a thing. This entire situation was an innocent misunderstanding however, because my question did not come from a place of prejudice, quite the opposite. I have always admired and been fascinated with the Jewish culture. I was simply unaware of the common tradition of wedding announcements.
So, I decided to talk to her, maybe not using the facts, but using sympathy. I decided to bring up Muslims, their religion along with cultural norms. Grandma thought that a woman wearing Hijab or a Burka, was a woman that is being oppressed by Islam or men. I explained to her that a woman covering herself is actually a sign of modesty, that Muslims think that a woman shouldn’t be judged by her looks but by her personality. I actually got her to see eye to eye with someone, which is actually a challenge to most. She told me later that she actually compliments women who
The father’s family, which is of Islamic culture, has strong beliefs and expects all members of the family to accept and follow the teachings of the Qur’an. According to the father they will exile or disown a family member that does not live according to the Islamic laws. The mother’s family is Christian and believes in the morals and values set forth in the Holy Bible. They are accepting to all cultures but have reservations about their granddaughter being raised Islamic primarily because they fear she will be isolated from society. Since the couple has divorced there has been little communication between the two families.