Amphetamine is one of the most potent sympathomimetic drugs, causing effects by raising levels of the biogenic amines, dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, through multiple mechanisms within the body (Berman, Steven M. et al 2009). Amphetamine based nervous stimulants such as Adderall ®, Concerta ®, Ritalin ®, and Dexedrine ® are commonly prescribed for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, and narcolepsy (McCabe and West 2013). In 1991, fewer than 500,000 annual prescriptions were written for amphetamine in the US, but prescriptions for amphetamine grossed over eight million in 2000. (Berman, Steven M. et al 2009). In nine years, the number of prescribed amphetamine grew by 1600% and is continually growing. The …show more content…
Among 18-25 year old, non-prescribed usage increased significantly from 3.6% in 2000 to 5.4% by 2006 (Lakhan and Kirchgessner 2012). Dr. McCabe and Dr. West of the University of Michigan concluded in their 2013 representative sample of 4,572 high school seniors that about 1 in every 6 high school seniors in the United States has ever had some exposure to prescription stimulants either medically or non- medically(McCabe and West 2013). The reason for the increasing popularity of the drug can found in its ability to improve attention, allow for the user to focus, achieve a state of ecstasy, and stress relief. In 2008, 243 surveys received from dental education institutions in the United States found that 12.4 percent of these dental college students used a prescrip¬tion stimulant non-medically and, of those, 70 percent took it to improve attention and/or concentration. (McNiel and Muzzin et al. 2011). To achieve its greatest pharmacological effect, the maximum quan¬tity of drug must be delivered into the CNS in the shortest possible time, which causes drug abusers to progress from relatively safe methods of administration, such as oral ingestion, to dangerous routes, for example snort¬ing cocaine or intra¬venous injection (Heal, David J et al. 2013). Unsafe methods could lead to exchange of other diseases, such …show more content…
Nervous based stimulants can increase depression, increase mental illness, cause psychosis, lower sensory perception, impair of memory performance, cause cardiovascular difficulties, and lower the brain’s ability to transport and receive dopamine. Amphetamine based nervous stimulants should be properly used as prescribed by one’s doctor to help avoid any harmful effects. Chronic use of the drugs may cause the need to have rehabilitation and follow psychotherapeutic measures. As more are prescribed with amphetamines, it increases the need to develop protective measures to prevent chronic
In this day and age, drugs are being prescribed without hesitation. In fact, many of these drugs are being prescribed for children with various disorders. One of these disorders is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). An estimated five to ten percent of children are diagnosed with this syndrome (Taylor 11). One of the methods to treat this disorder is to use stimulants, specifically Ritalin. This method is controversial because it has many side effects and its long-term effects are unknown. It can also lead to addiction. Approximately two to three percent of elementary school children are taking some kind of stimulant to treat ADHD (Taylor 64). Since so many children are taking this medication, new problems have arisen.
Adderall is prescription drug that is a derivative of two forms of Amphetamine: l-amphetamines and d-amphetamines, the latter being the larger portion (makes up 75%) as well as the more potent of the two [6]. Amphetamine (then called Benzedrine ) was first synthesized in the early 1900’s through a serendipitous discovery while searching for a cheaper substitute of another drug called ephedrine. The chemist who discovered this new drug, G.A Alles, then conducted experiments and found that this new drug was powerful stimulant. As a result, it was introduced to the public in 1935. It was advertised as a treatment for narcolepsy, mild depression, post-encephalitic Parkinson and later as an appetite suppressant. Reports of improvement in intelligence
We got up in the morning and left for the airport. We had become professionals at packing and unpacking, exiting and entering hotels, jumping in cabs, trains, and planes. I felt like a world-class traveler.
One of the most shocking things that I learned is that Adderall is a stimulant. I knew that Adderall has an amphetamine base, however, I never made the connection. I know several people from my past and now that take Adderall, some without a prescription. Knowing that Adderall is a stimulant makes it seem entirely more dangerous than I saw it before. Adderall is a common drug now, people of all ages are consumers. Adderall is so common, legally and illegally, that I am sure most people are unaware of the interactions it can cause with other drugs. Adderall is generally viewed as a harmless drug for ADD and ADHA, but when you look at it from the perspective of having amphetamine in it, it appears much more dangerous.
Most Americans have heard of Ritalin and Adderall, either being used to calm hyperactive children or used illegally across every college campus for the purpose of studying. These are two completely different circumstances, which may be confusing to some. The reason that these two different groups of people get two vastly different results from the same drug is that these belong to the drug class of central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. CNS stimulants increase alertness mentally and physically, but do the opposite for those with hyperactivity disorders. This is because these drugs release dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that is related with motivation (Healthline Editorial Team).
Stimulant medication could be the miracle drug, or the most harmful thing to hit the younger generations. Medications such as Adderall and Ritalin are playing a prominent role in many adolescents’ lives, or the lives of people close to them. There is an “underground market” for medications like these, and the market is growing quickly. Whether just to make sure they pass that next test, or if they really believe they need it, stimulants’ popularity is soaring, and not just among adolescents but doctors as well. Stimulant medication / therapy is being prescribed at a growing rate, leading to many cases of misuse and diversion that can severely affect the users entire life, and play a very unclear part in any other substance abuse they
Arria, Amelia, Ph.D. "Nonmedical Use of Prescription Stimulants What College Administrators, Parents, and Students Need to Know." Center on Young Adult Health and Development, n.d. Web. 6 Dec. 2015.
They also claim that the full side effects of ADHD medication are still not known and could have harmful long- lasting side effects on the children taking the medications. The principle of beneficence must be applied by balancing the benefits the medication provides to those with ADHD along with the risks of possible side effects and that people, particularly children, that are not diagnosed with this disorder will be taking the medication. ADHD, or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. Ritalin is currently prescribed to approximately six million people in the US. Of those six million, 75% of these are children for ADHD ( Ritalin is a drug that stimulates the central nervous system. It interacts with chemicals in the brain and nerves that give way to hyperactivity and impulse control. There is another drug that given just as Ritalin, and it is called Adderall. Adderall is almost the exact same as Ritalin except it actually enters the cell and helps it produce more
Adderall’s are a form of amphetamine. They are used only in a few countries, which include the United States and Canada, to mainly treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Narcolepsy and Depression. Adderall’s are accessible in two different forms: instant release and extended release, Adderall IR and Adderall XR, respectively. The difference between the two is how the actual pill is made, the extended release one is made of plastic which extends the process in which the Adderall treats the body. On the other hand, the instant release one treats the body instantly, which requires the body to take more doses of it. In other words, patients with a more severe case of ADHD, Narcolepsy and/or depression take Adderall IR. ADHD is a brain disorder that creates a pattern of inattention, impulsivity or hyperactivity that gets in the way of the patients functioning and development (National Institute of Mental Health, 1). Narcolepsy on the other hand is a, “neurological disorder that affects the control of sleep and wakefulness” (Web MD). A patient who is diagnosed with narcolepsy could suffer from excessive sleepiness. Other symptoms include Cataplexy, Hallucinations and Sleep Paralysis. Patients diagnosed with depression also get treated with Adderall’s. “Depression is a chronic mood disorder that causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities” (National Institute of Mental Health, 2). This topic has much importance in the field
Talbot describes the uses of the stimulates to stay awake to power through long nights to complete papers or deadlines, as well as to take lengthy exams (2009). Several testimonials are provides in “Brain Gain” of students that use Adderall for these very reasons in their schooling career (Talbot, 2009). Using the stimulate has led to abuse problems by the users, leading them to experience harsh side effects such as lack of appetite and loss of sleep (Talbot, 2009). Talbot (2009) mentions the label on the amphetamine warns of a “high potential for abuse” for the user! The author emphasizes the growing and evident issue of Adderall being taken for nonmedical reasons to act as a quick fix for those needing an enhancement to their cognitive abilities (Talbot,
The use of stimulant medications such as Ritalin or Adderall in children with the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) continues to rise, albeit at a slower pace than in previous decades, a new study finds. The study authors tracked data on prescription in the US 1996 to 2008. They found that the use of drugs for ADHD was higher among children of 6-12 years and increased slightly from 4.2 percent in 1996 to 5.1 percent twelve years later. However, increase more pronounced occurred in older children, ages 13 and 18. In this group, the ADHD drugs increased more than double, from 2.3 percent in 1996 to 4.9 percent in 2008. The researchers said this reflects a greater understanding
There are a variety of age who uses this drugs, ranging from 12 to 70. There are report about adolescents abusing this drugs, from 8th grade to 10th and 12th grade. The numbers of 10th and 12th grade users have been dropped significantly since the introduction of this drug in the U.S. But the 8th grade users have stayed the same throughout the years. However, there is a significant decrease amount of users every years since the introduction of methamphetamine in the 1950’s-1960’s
To add to that, the research that has been conducted on the disorder has led to a variety of effective treatments. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) (2014) the most widely used medication is a stimulant. There is a wide variety of stimulants available for ADHD subjects. Although, with these stimulants come side effects including sleep problems, decreased appetite, anxiety and other diverse uncommon side effects (NIMH, 2014). Stimulants tend to calm children with ADHD. However, these medications can be detrimental to the patient in many ways. Certain medications have been subject to abuse, including Adderall and Ritalin. These medications are in some cases abused by patients who are over diagnosed. Since these patients do not have the disorder they can feel the side effects and use the drug to achieve a certain kind of high. When using these drugs for non-medical purposes they can seem to replicate the effects of cocaine
Although the driver of a favorable risk-benefit, they carry potential risks for children using them. Appetite suppression and weight loss is usually about side effects. Sudden death has been reported in children using stimulant. A thorough history and physical examination with emphasis on the identification of risk factors for sudden death exist before starting stimulant medications. However, no routine screening electrocardiogram and heart specialist advice is
The medical use of amphetamines was common in the 1950/60's when they were used to help cure depression and to help the user lose weight. An amphetamine is a drug that is a stimulant to the central nervous system. Amphetamines are colorless and may be inhaled, injected, or swallowed. Amphetamines are also used non-medically to avoid sleep, improve athletic performance, or to counter the effects of depressant drugs. Amphetamines are addictive. Because of this, when the user discontinues use or reduces the amount that they use, withdrawal symptoms may occur. Some withdrawal symptoms are as follows: severe exhaustion, deep sleep lasting from 24 to 48 hours, psychotic reaction, extreme hunger, deep depression, anxiety reactions, and long but