
Amy Carmichael's Life

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He preached regarding the prodigal son where the father had said to the oldest son "And he said to him, 'Son, you have always been with me, and all that is mine is yours Mr. Moody said, "I never saw it before. Oh, the love of God's love. Oh, the love. God's love." Tears rained down his cheeks. Amy never forgot that spiritual truth-"All that I have is thine." It reinforced her faith that God knew her needs before she asked and wanted to supply them by faith. Amy always had a heart for those who are considered “unlovable” and treated them as equals rather than low members of society (Eliot). One day, Amy, her mother and brothers were leaving church when Amy noticed an old woman coming out of the alley (Amy). Her clothes were all torn up …show more content…

She founded the Dohnavur fellowship, a society devoted to saving neglected and ill-treated children (Eliot). It is in Tamil Nadu just thirty miles from the top of India. Temple children were young girls dedicated to the gods and forced into prostitution to earn money for the priests (Eliot). Because the Hindus were taught that it was important to donate their children to the gods and often times, there were rewards for parents who agreed to do so, many children were donated even before their birth (The Fellowship). Others were kidnapped and forced to participate in the prostitution within the darkness of the jungle temples (The Fellowship). In 1901, Amy Carmichael housed her first temple runaway, a young girl named Preena, or “pearl eyes” (J,R.R). The little girl had escaped from a temple in the middle of the night while the guardians were sleeping (Amy). She then made her two day journey back to the town of Tuticorin where her mother lived (Amy). Not too long after Preena arrived, a wicked woman from the temple found her and threatened the wrath from the gods if she were to refuse to return (Amy). Out of fear, her mother sent her back to the temple’s service (Amy). As punishment, Preena had her hands branded with a hot iron which made her ten times more eager to escape again. Soon after, she overheard her captors plans to marry her to the god as soon as possible (Amy). That is when Preena made the bold decision to escape once again, but go somewhere nobody would expect. “Please help me! Please don’t send me back!” screamed seven year old Preena to Amy Carmichael, and she didn’t (Amy). Another child she rescued was a five year old named Kohila (Graves). Kohl’s guardians wanted her back but Amy refused to return the child considering they would most likely place the child back into harmful circumstances (Graves). With that said, she came up with a plan to make the little girl “disappear” to a

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