
Amy Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Case Study

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Adolescent health has become an increasingly important focus in the last few years because health needs in this cohort have changed considerably (Sanci, Glover, & Coffey, 2003). Raphael (1996) pointed towards an increasing and disproportionate rise in psychosocial problems affecting youth and Brown (2002) posits that health problems and health compromising behaviours are interrelated in this cohort. It is important to look beyond the presenting issue and assess the adolescent taking into account their developmental stage, risk and protective factors and resiliency (McNeely, Nonnemaker, & Blum, 2002). Amy*, an 18 year old female came to my office through a local Women’s Centre referral.
On her initial visit I obtained information from Amy …show more content…

179). Marsh (2008) further reports that people who are exposed to severe trauma and PTSD symptomatology further exacerbate their mental health with other co-occuring psychological disorders, particularly depression. Children who have been sexually abused suffer psychological and emotional consequences at the time it occurs and when they reach adolescence (Geldard, Geldard, & Foo, 2015). Van der Kolk (2001) highlights depression, self hatred, dissociation, suicidal ideation and relationship problems as common psychological symptoms (cited in Marsh, 2008). Widon (1994) asserts that ‘sexual victimization prior to adolescence contributes to the risk of delinquency in young people’ (cited in Geldard & Geldard, 2014, pp.24). According to Alexander and Kempe (1984) the most serious type of sexual abuse is ‘incest between father and daughter’ (cited in Geldard & Geldard, 2014, pp. 25). Studies show that victims are reluctant to divulge their childhood sexual abuse (Read, Hammersley, & Rudegair, …show more content…

On the other hand, circumstances and behaviours which lead to positive outcomes in the lives of some ‘at-risk’ adolescents are called protective factors. Resilience is the ability to access and mobilise protective resources that counteract risks (Rew & Horner, 2003). An important part of planning a response to an adolescent’s situation is to identify their needs. An assessment for these factors must be part of the screening process to facilitate early detection and health promotion in young people (Sanci et al., 2003). An immediate at-risk factor for Amy is suicide ideation. This requires careful assessment and a direct unambiguous line of questioning. Hawton and James (2005) point towards a strong link between suicide and previous self harm. Resnick et al. (1997) in their longitudinal study posit that increased risk of early sexual debut was associated with suicide attempts or

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