
An Advertisement On The Food / Drink Industry

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Today companies are very dependent on people getting their products shown. No matter where we are, we will always see some form of an advertisement, whether it be a commercial, billboard, or anything else that a company uses to broadcast their product. Every company does it or else they won 't have their product/business noticed by the public. On an average, American 's are shown to be susceptible anywhere from 250 to 3000 advertisements per day.One of the most dominant advertising strategies used today is the use of false advertisements. False advertising is being used every day to give the user a point of excitement towards anything. Companies will put anything in the ads just to draw people towards their products. One of the most dominant industry that does it is the food/ drink industry. These industries use everything possible to get consumer to purchase their goods and the consumers don 't see what 's wrong with what they are doing. For example, beer companies want their consumers to feel a certain way when they drink their beer, knowing that’s not how they are going to feel. They just make you think that you are going to feel a certain way just so you can buy their beer. Even though companies associate their products with feelings not associated with what they tell consumers, beer companies should be fined for their false advertisings because more often you are not going to feel how the ads say you will.
Ever since people have been selling goods and services, they

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