
An Alternative Legislative Proposal to the Current Death Penalty Laws in Georgia

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An Alternative Legislative Proposal to the Current Death Penalty Laws in Georgia The death penalty should be abolished in Georgia and life imprisonment without the possibility of parole should be the maximum penalty for the worst murder convictions in the state from now on. There are several good reasons for this, both moral and ethical, as well as practical reasons of budgetary considerations. First of all, it is much cheaper to keep someone in prison for the rest of their lives than it is to execute them. This may seem contradictory, as life in prison can be a long time, and the state has to pay the imprisoned person's expenses during that whole time. However, the cost of getting someone from conviction to execution can be millions of dollars, since there are mandatory appeals, state-paid defense lawyers, and much more that the state has to pay, in addition to keeping the person imprisoned while awaiting execution, that can cost into the millions of dollars. On the other hand, keeping a convicted murderer in prison for life may only cost in the upper hundreds of thousands of dollars, or the low millions. It is far less than the cost of actually getting someone to the stage of execution in murder cases, as these cases can draw on for decades. In some cases, the person who is convicted may spend nearly the rest of their natural lives in prison anyway, before being executed, depending on their age. In other cases, their appeals drag on so long that they die in prison

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