
An Analysis Of Alison Easton's A Critique Of Puritan Society

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Destruction of Puritan Community Puritan’s belief system and community is punctured from this novel, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Alison Easton’s essay, A Critique of Puritan Society, does a wonderful job by showing with textual evidence how Hawthorne destroys a Puritan community. Hawthorne does not believe in the Puritan faith or community; this is why he makes a Puritan community crumble through all the sin. Alison gives valid points to show how Hawthorne damages their faith and life in this novel. Alison Easton’s article shows that truth, marriage, and the nature of evil play a vital role in analyzing the novel’s worth. Marriage is, in a way, destroyed in this novel; Hester cheats and it destroys her marriage. Alison supports this idea by saying “Sexual love in this novel leads swiftly to ethical considerations as Hester tries to evolve for herself ideas of moral rights and wrong to replace demonstrably inadequate structures regulating desire.” (115). Hester falls in love after being alone for 2 years, she cheats and becomes pregnant, which …show more content…

Alison says “Truth’ in this novel is used to cover a range of meaning with reference to a notion of psychic integrity, open relationships with others and actions based on the adherence to some moral or metaphysical absolute.” (123). Truth in this novel is ranged differently; some characters are truthful, some hide from the truth, and others hide the truth. Hawthorne shows Hester hiding the truth by saying “Silly Pearl, what questions are these? There are many things in this world that a child must not ask about. What know I of the minister’s heart. And as for the scarlet letter, I wear it for the sake of its gold thread!” (124). Hester has never turned away from her sin but when Pearl asks, for the first time ever, Hester lies about the scarlet letter; she hides the truth from her daughter to protect her

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