
An Analysis Of John Sebastian's Song 'Do You Believe In Magic'

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In the 1960’s, racial injustice and war dominated the lives of the American people. However, the Lovin’ Spoonful saw the brighter side of the decade and released their hit song, “Do You Believe in Magic?” which was written by John Sebastian, the band’s lead singer. The song, filled with clean lyrics, presents an image of happiness, love, and peace, almost to that of an early hippie movement. The song’s inspiration came to John Sebastian when playing at famous club, he and his bandmate, Zal Yanovsky, noticed a young adolescent in the crowd. This instance made the band realize that their audience was changing so they decided to vamp up their music. Instead of the traditional folk music, the band turned to electric instruments to attract a younger …show more content…

The little, optimistic four-year old has grown up and has had highs and lows throughout her teenage years. Magic diffused from her heart and her soul as social media and reality took their toll on her well-being, leaving a burden of stress, anxiety, and a hint of depression. However, when I played The Lovin Spoonful’s hit, I could not help but smile as a tear started to form in the corner of my eye. The song made me reminisce in my past, both the good times and bad. It made me realize that a hint of magic still lives within my heart and that the little girl still lives within me. She’s actually been waiting to resurface and see the world through grown up eyes. After listening to “Do You Believe in Magic?”, I realized that I should let go of negativities and be excited for what life has to offer. Sure, I will crash and burn sometimes, but I can still get up, continue trying, and find my way. The magic of life will enable me to pursue my dreams. I realize that my duty is to be the magic for someone else, someone who needs a hint of happiness in their life and whose magic, like mine, diminished over the years. I now can fully say that I believe in life’s magic and I vow to help others believe it

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