
An Analysis of the Movie, Blood Diamond Essay

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The movie "Blood Diamond" was released in 2006 and featured Leonardo Di Caprio as an arms smuggler whose main goal is to obtain a seemingly priceless diamond from a villager during the civil war in Sierra Leone. The film, although it has been called mild in comparison to reality, depicts the brutality that inhabitants of diamond villages were subjected to. The film was nominated for five Academy Awards, and won numerous other awards. The film marker is trying to raise awareness of the illicit conflict diamond trade and reinforcing the Kimberley process1 and showing how it will stem the flow of conflict diamonds. This is successful mainly due to the public outburst after the movie. The great impact of the movie has caused diamond …show more content…

He also is trying to show us that the people at Van De Kaap are not truly trying to solve the problem. Instead they are aggravating the situation. The filmmaker aims to discourage racism and show that both blacks and whites can work together to solve various problems. In the movie, Danny Archer had been forced to work together with Solomon Vandy, but they grew in terms of mutual understanding even though they had different purposes for finding the diamond (Danny- profit, Solomon- to find family). From our research, cooperation among Africans is needed to effectively solve the flow of conflict diamonds. An African Union was set up to speak on behalf of the African nations. Discouraging racism will always be important in Singapore not only because the local population consists of many different races, but also because of the apparent pro-Bumiputra policies which have drawn flak from some racial communities in Malaysia. Besides, the filmmaker wants to show how an ineffective government can lead to suffering of its citizens. In the movie, Free Town4 fell into the hands of the RUF where many were killed and buildings were razed, due to the failure of the government to effectively enforce security in the region. This is supported by one of the arguments from research stating that strong governments are needed to effectively stem the flow of conflict diamonds out of Sierra Leone into Liberia. Relating to Singapore, the

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