
Aziz In A Passage To India

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"Why talk about the English? Brrrr...!" An Outlook on Aziz's Attempts to "Bridge the Gap" A Passage To India by E. M. Forster is a rich, postcolonial novel delving into the possibility of sustaining a personal friendship between an English person and an "Indian" person. This topic is being discussed in the beginning of the novel at the home of Hamidullah, "... they were discussing as to whether or no(t) it is possible to be friends with an Englishman. Mahmoud Ali argued that it was not, Hamidullah disagreed, but with so many reservations..." (Forster 7) Aziz, who the novel centers around, has the disposition to just shut them out and ignore them and all will be jolly. Of course, later, we find Aziz does not shut them out and rather …show more content…

She naturally brings criminal charges against him and ruins any chances of that relationship continuing. I see no point in elaborating on this subject because it is so cut and dry. This relationship did not last and was destined for failure from that "prig" of an Englishwoman. Mrs. Moore and Aziz's relationship is a bit more tangled than the cut and dry experience with Ms. Quested. Aziz only has three meetings with Mrs. Moore. Both characters have this great fondness for the other with no substance. They have some superficial similarities and Aziz proclaims she's Oriental! It seems like both want an unconventional friendship so acutely they immediately gravitate towards this "love" that transcends race lines. When Fielding misses the train and Aziz realizes he'll be alone with the two women his feelings from the mosque come rushing back for Mrs. Moore, "She was perfect as always, his dear Mrs. Moore." (Forster 145) But there is no real substance to their friendship only feelings and emotions. Fielding accurately describes the real relationship between the two, to Aziz on the roof after the trial, " You are so fantastic.... Miss Quested, you won't treat her generously;... Miss Quested anyhow behaved decently this morning, whereas the old lady never did anything for you at all." (Forster 282) Fielding is absolutely correct, Mrs. Moore never actually does anything for Aziz except be a friendly, slightly senile old lady. In fact

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