To me, none of the other amendments in the bill of rights hold any weight without the second amendment. Truthfully there is nothing to enforce anything in the constitution without the second amendment; There is no free speech if the government holds complete control over the populace. The government has no reason to limit itself if nothing else limits what it can do, and elimination of rights and privacy are guaranteed if the government was to be given more power than the people. The system of checks and balances is irrelevant if the people are disarmed. With no reason for the government to allow citizens their freedoms, liberties and rights would quickly disappear. This can be seen in any country that has implemented gun control, some notable …show more content…
I try to talk to people I know who are from places that either don't have guns or have strict gun control, and to ask them why they don't think guns should be legal or feel that certain guns are more dangerous than others when those guns are identical except in aesthetics and accessories. After I listen to what they have to say, I tell them why I feel differently and show them information in order to educate them on guns. I find that most of them just don't understand guns, and thus are afraid of them. The more informed they are, the less they fear guns. It is important to not be confrontational, as this will only guarantee that they will not listen to anything you have to say. People tend to listen and think more when someone who has different views than them is calm, polite and respectful while still standing for what they believe. This is the only way that you will change someones mind on the second amendment and guns, because the left wing media paints gun owners as being blustery, angry and looking for a fight. The only way to disprove this fallacy is to show that we are not what they would have the world believe through the way we live and the way we converse with people who disagree with
Ishmael starts off the story by talking about the war that is taking place in his country and about his rap group he is participating in. He begins to explain to the reader how he learned about rap and why he loves it so much. Ishmael, his brother Junior, and Talloi take a road trip to Mattru Jong to participate in a talent show, but stop at there Grandmothers house on the way. In chapter two, Ishmael is having a nightmare, where he is pushing a wheelbarrow through a cemetery that is holding dead bodies. He wakes up from his dream and is living in his present day life, Ishmael thinks back on when he was carrying a Ak-47 killing villagers for food. He hates both thoughts. The next chapter consists of the three boys staying with their friends waiting to hear from their parents. A
Countless opinions have been broadcasted on national news media regarding what society ought to do about gun control. This controversial topic sparks many heated debates with people of either position reluctant to compromise. Gun supporters claim that the proposed gun laws infringe on their constitutional right to bear arms. Conversely, others believe that restricted gun access would cause gun violence to decrease. Regardless of what side one stands on, with the increase in gun violence, it is safe to say that something must be done.
Over two hundred years have passed since the founding fathers of the United States of America, had created the constitution, the very document that is viewed, by many, as the milestone for what has later become the most powerful country in the world, as well as, the beacon for democracy. Having derived its values from the simple, yet intrinsic principles of liberty, the constitution has played the role of a safeguard to always ensure the freedoms of the people of America will remain intact.
Every year thirty-thousand Americans die from guns while others have the “privilege” to end up with a disability rather than dying. The men and women who are diagnosed with a mental illness and obtain guns often commit suicide and crimes such as mass shootings, and murders. Because health care providers don't report, the mental illnesses of many people to the FBI, these people are able to pass a background check when they attempt to purchase a gun. Criminals now have more access than ever to gus because of the unlicensed gun sellers at the gun shows. Although the second amendment allows people the right to bear arms, it has become easy for the mentally ill and criminals to acquire guns and gun control should be strengthened for this very reason.
Gun control laws should regulate production, distribution, ownership and use of firearms by civilians. Gun control laws are not intended to dispossess law abiding citizens of licensed firearms but to intervene on reckless use of firearms that cause harm to the public. Gun control should also make it difficult for criminals to access firearms. Armed civilians have in many instances deterred acts of crime from being instigated by scaring away criminals. Nonetheless, gun laws can only be described as immensely lax. This essay seeks to argue for the enactment of strict gun control laws by highlighting the dangers posed by guns in the hands of members of the public.
After the continuing domestic and international acts of gun violence, either as hate crimes, revenge, or terrorist acts, the ongoing battle of gun control in our country continues to be heated and emotional. Because of fear or to use for election campaigns, citizens and politicians are aggressively voicing their opinions either for or against this debate with both rational and irrational claims.
Although the Second Amendment stops the federal government from entirely banning guns in America, limited restrictions are permitted on the possession and distribution of firearms. The ease of obtaining a firearm in America fosters a dangerous environment and crime. Hence, the Second Amendment should be reinterpreted so that sterner gun laws can be implemented because current background checks are flawed, gun accessibility has been abused by foreign and domestic criminals, and some
James Mallon once said that “Gun control is like the annoying family member you hate to see. No matter how much you disdain seeing them or talking to them, eventually a climatic event, family reunion, or holiday forces you to have interaction with them.” Gun control may be that elephant in the room given all the recent tragic events involving firearm use, but ignoring that elephant is no solution. Stricter gun laws, as well as other forms of gun control may be the final viable resort to ending the onslaught that are mass shootings.
The correlation with handgun ownership and the amount of suicides every year is a highly debated subject. A majority of suicides in America were decided on impulse (less than five minutes of thought) rather than non-impulsive. With this in mind, the quickest way for a person to commit suicide is with a gun. Gun control advocates believe that having guns present in a household increases the risk of suicide. “There are at least a dozen U.S. case-control studies in the peer-reviewed literature, all of which have found that a gun in the home is associated with an increased risk of suicide. The increase in risk is large, typically 2 to 10 times that in homes without guns, depending on the sample population (e.g., adolescents vs. older adults) and
The Sandy Hook incident that took place in Newtown, Connecticut has caused a lot of people to rethink about the second amendment and even go on to alter it. A lot of people think that the availability of weapons for people is the reason for these shootings. It now appears that the cause that re started this entire episode which was the Sandy Hook incident will not be fixed by what the democrats are proposing as a solution will not be solved. It appears that the weapons Adam Lanza obtained from his shooting were actually his mother. Lanza's mother purchased the gun in accord with the Connecticut laws. It appears that the restrictive legislation that has been suggested for this state would still not reduce his access to them. Gun control basically refers to the various means of probation or restrictions on keeping weapons with a person. These restrictions look over not only the possession of firearms, but on the transport and use of them.
The argument over gun control is an ongoing debate with the first big written regulation dating back to when the 2nd amendment was first written in 1791. The second amendment states that “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” (Legal Information Institute). Since then it has been fought over time and time again about what this statement truly means and what it entitles for people. The definition of gun control is “government regulation of the selling, owning, and use of guns” (Merriam Webster), so by definition the meaning of gun control already violates a person’s 2nd amendment right to bear arms. However, it was ruled by the supreme court that “Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited” (Denniston, Lyle), meaning that there are certain things the government can do that would technically not infringe upon a persons right to bear arms because the interpretation of the 2nd amendment could has many possible meaning since our forefathers who wrote it are long since dead and can’t tell us what they really meant.
Crime and guns. The two seem to go hand in hand with one another. But are the two really associated? Do guns necessarily lead to crime? And if so do laws placing restrictions on firearm ownership and use stop the crime or protect the citizens? These are the questions many citizens and lawmakers are asking themselves when setting about to create gun control laws. The debate over gun control, however, is nothing new. In 1924, Presidential Candidate, Robert La Follete said, “our choice is not merely to support or oppose gun control but to decide who can own which guns under what conditions.” Clearly this debate still goes on today and is the very reason for the formation of gun control laws.
Gun Control is a hot debate topic, where people have been divided into two different viewpoints. The majority of states has supported their colleges to carry guns in case of a mass shootout. While the majority of liberal and democratic oppose carrying guns onto school property. Some states such as Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, and Mississippi has already passed the law to allowed students to carry concealed weapons on campuses to protect themselves from unwanted mass shooters. It sounds good when a politician says all college students should carry concealed weapons, but will it have any effect or will it be a big mistake. The majority of people present their arguments that Gun shouldn’t be allowed in Campuses. A campus is a place where students gain knowledge it’s not a battlefield of guns or place where students fear with their classmates. This day 's people are being irrational about mass shootouts, media also has a huge responsibility on this issue, media has the power to put fears on audience lives. There are many solutions in order to fix this problem. Deploying more security could be a solution, it will also create more jobs. Simply handing guns to teachers and students won’t solve the problem of mass shot outs, not everyone is a hero among college students as well, and there might be some students or faculty member who are same likeminded as shooters. The another solution which could be effective is deploying more police officers onto
Omega Gaming entered the online casino world in 2012 and have been on quite the wild ride ever since. Each time they create a game they seem to put together something truly creative and entertaining. They recently released Eye of the Pharaoh, which shows that there are no signs of stopping this runaway wave of momentum anytime soon. There might be many games based around Egypt and Cleopatra in 2016, as the market is practically flooded with them, but Omega Gaming have managed to create something different, which appears to stand out against the masses.
The earliest knowledge of chemistry was in 3500 B.C in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Chemistry was concerned anything that was pottery, dyes or crafts that were developed but not considerable skills because no one truly understood its purpose. The basic idea of elements or compounds were first formulated by Greek philosopher during 500 to 300 B.C when people believed fire , water, earth, and air combined to form all living and non-living things. In the beginning of Christianity an ancient Egyptian and Greek philosopher were fused into the new ideas of science, starting with little experiments such as turning metal into gold or imitation of precious gems. Later on people such as Robert Boyle, Robert Hooke and John Mayow were just the few people