
An Argument In Favor Of Gun Control In The United States

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To me, none of the other amendments in the bill of rights hold any weight without the second amendment. Truthfully there is nothing to enforce anything in the constitution without the second amendment; There is no free speech if the government holds complete control over the populace. The government has no reason to limit itself if nothing else limits what it can do, and elimination of rights and privacy are guaranteed if the government was to be given more power than the people. The system of checks and balances is irrelevant if the people are disarmed. With no reason for the government to allow citizens their freedoms, liberties and rights would quickly disappear. This can be seen in any country that has implemented gun control, some notable …show more content…

I try to talk to people I know who are from places that either don't have guns or have strict gun control, and to ask them why they don't think guns should be legal or feel that certain guns are more dangerous than others when those guns are identical except in aesthetics and accessories. After I listen to what they have to say, I tell them why I feel differently and show them information in order to educate them on guns. I find that most of them just don't understand guns, and thus are afraid of them. The more informed they are, the less they fear guns. It is important to not be confrontational, as this will only guarantee that they will not listen to anything you have to say. People tend to listen and think more when someone who has different views than them is calm, polite and respectful while still standing for what they believe. This is the only way that you will change someones mind on the second amendment and guns, because the left wing media paints gun owners as being blustery, angry and looking for a fight. The only way to disprove this fallacy is to show that we are not what they would have the world believe through the way we live and the way we converse with people who disagree with

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