
An Army One Me Analysis

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Humans are judgmental creatures. One of our most significant philosophy is “not judging a book by its cover”, which examines our habit to judge. We did not purposely develop this questionable characteristic; we seem to have been with this evolutionary trait. We judge everything as a survival instinct to protect ourselves; the perception we create from our personal opinions determine whether we believe something is friendly or foe. As with everything, we judge ourselves, and we tend to be our biggest critic. We constantly judge ourselves, but why? People have referred to this type of judgement as self-esteem. Self-esteem is measured by how positive we view ourselves: the more positive our perception of our self, the higher our self-esteem and …show more content…

During the 60s and 70s, the revolution of the enhancement of self-esteem came into existence into the United States’ society. Jean Twenge’s article “An Army One: Me”, she discusses how the forced instilling of self-esteem, especially in small children, has caused the current generation to develop narcissistic qualities. One would presume that by the promotion of narcissism, we would inevitably discontinue the promotion of self-esteem. However, self-esteem plays a vital role in humanity’s search for …show more content…

We typically achieved this happiness by winning, being successful, or accomplishing an objective. However, not everyone is able achieve happiness by themselves. Pharmaceutical companies challenged this problem and developed anti-depressants to counteract the feeling of depression and dismay and enhance happiness in an individual. In Watters’ “The Mega-Marketing of Depression of Japan” he examines how pharmaceutical companies created SSRIs, anti-depressants, on the basis to counteract depression in the mind. “Unbalanced serotonin levels have been linked with people who suffer from depression; SSRIs work by maintaining a balance in serotonin levels in you r brain.”(Watters 529). Even though the scientific evidence loosely supported the effectiveness of SSRIs, the people of Japan and around the globe were convinced of the benefits of using them. The anti-depressant market was seen as a multi-billion dollar market; the ability to relieve sadness and depression to promote a happy, healthy lifestyle with a pill easily appeals to humanity’s pursuit of happiness. The need to fulfill our happiness was so great that we created our own, our “synthetic happiness” in the form a pill. In addition to the presence of our “synthetic happiness”, research has shown that our body naturally instills a feeling of happiness within our minds. In Gilbert’s “Immune to Reality”, he explains that our mind falsely constructs positive

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