On the 23rd of January in the year 2003, at around 1:00 in the afternoon at Kaiser Permanente San Francisco, I was born into the world. My parents, Frederick Torres Nangca and Rowena Aldana Nangca, and I first settled in my grandparent’s studio as a child. The space was small but open for the most part. From what I remember, the wall that was on the same side as the door had a drawer beneath the television where they kept most of their belongings. Just across from that was a blue couch that they had pushed up against the ten windowed wall. Next to the couch was a smaller beige dresser that held my grandfather’s extra clothes along with a few of my grandmother’s accessories. My grandmother and grandfather often held novenas and parties in honor of God. …show more content…
My grandmother at the time had worked as a caretaker for the elderly. Eventually, we had to move due to the lack of privacy and space at the age of three. I often went to my grandparents house because we had no other family at the time who was there to take care of me other than them. Before I came to De Marillac Academy, I went to Bessie Carmichael Elementary School which was where my grandparents continuously picked me up. Both my parents agreed that they didn’t want me to continue going to school at Bessie Carmichael because they knew I would end up at Bessie Carmichael Middle School which my parents considered as having an unsafe environment. Even if De Marillac is still in the Tenderloin, I feel much safer knowing that my parents were looking out for me and made the right choice to lead me to a better
In the United States, the convergence of rising healthcare costs and the pursuit of value-based healthcare are driving the growth of consumer engagement in healthcare. Insurance premiums for workers and employers have been steadily rising for years. Overall, the Kaiser Family Foundation estimates a 58% increase in total premiums over the last ten years. When examining the dollar amounts that workers contribute, the average annual contributions for single and family coverage for 2016 are $1,129 and $5,277 respectively. Finally, between 2006 and 2016 covered workers’ average dollar contribution to family coverage has increased 78% (Exhibit A) (Kaiser, 2016). At the same time, reports demonstrating quality variations began to surface. These high
Kaiser Permanente Colorado is proud to offer a program that allows safety net primary care providers to electronically request advice from select Kaiser Permanente specialists. Currently eight speciality departments participate in this program that supports safety net primary care providers, the patients are uninsured and below the federal poverty level.
Segmentation and positioning are two important concepts in marketing. While these terms are generally used in relationship to promotional activities, the term segmentation has relevance for market research as well. Segmentation involves dividing the larger universe of consumers or businesses into smaller units that represent more specific target audiences. Positioning is the next step whereby companies determine, based on the segments they have identified, how they can effectively promote what they have to offer compared to competitive offerings and positioning. Effective marketers know that the better they can segment audiences, the more they will be able to develop target messages and select specific
The historic Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center (originally the Oakland Civic Auditorium), has been the focus of development plans ever since the 215,000-square-foot facility closed down in 2004. It's slated to become office space, but during its heyday, it hosted wrestling competitions, circuses and Elvis Presley concerts; in 1962, it even welcomed Martin Luther King Jr. to commemorate the centennial of the Emancipation Proclamation.
Volunteering at Kaiser Permanente played a significant role in my decision to pursue a career in healthcare as a physician. When I was observing a physician repair a head laceration, there was a disjunct communication between the patient and physician. Because I am fluent in Vietnamese, I understood the patient’s fears as she muttered words in her native language that expressed her confusion and fear while the physician attempted to console her in English. When I explained the doctor’s processes in her native language, Vietnamese, she was elated someone could reassure her worries, especially when family members do not understand enough English to comprehend the situation. Through various observations of nurses, physicians, and Emergency Department
Today, health care is one of the most the important subjects in United States. There are many Private and nonprofitmaking organization dedicated to health care. This paper discusses the readiness of Kaiser Permanente as a health care organization to respond the future health care needs of citizens. This paper also contains its strategic plan that addresses issues relating to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management and patient satisfaction.
Data: Client came to appointment on time with a decent attitude, and engaging during session. Today’s individual session was focused on addressing client’s treatment attendance issue. Client has not attending treatment group consistently, which will put her not in compliance with Kaiser Permanente suboxone program, as well as CD treatment at THS. Client has 7 absences from 03/01/17 – 05/25/17. Client reported no use of alcohol or other substances since started treatment. Client reported going to Kaiser Permanente weekly for counseling, UA, and obtain Suboxone prescription at Capitol Hill, Seattle. PC provided client with information for different OP groups but client stated, “I will make it work. Wednesday group works for me better.”
The reporting party (RP) stated resident Richard Torbett DOB: 11/19/41 was admitted to the facility on 11/25/16. According to the RP Mr. Torbett suffered a stroke on 10/26/16 and was admitted to Kaiser Hospital on 10/26/16 through 11/3/16. He was admitted to Magnolia Rehab for therapy on 11/3/16 and release to Inland Empire Elderly Care Inc. On the Sunday evening of November 27, 2016 the RP went to visit Mr. Torbett and was handed diapers. The caregiver explained that Mr. Torbett was aggressive and could not be handled. The RP stated she found Mr. Torbett saturated in urine including all of his bedding. According to the RP she found Mr. Torbett to be abrupt but not aggressive; he had recently suffered a stroke and had not received pain medication
Providing quality delivery care is the cornerstone of Kaiser operation and addressing language needs of the diverse communities it serves is receiving attention from the National Diversity and Inclusion Office. Kaiser’s National Diversity and Inclusion was established with the objective to promote, support, and assist the regions in implementing the Kaiser Permanente Board of Directors agenda in providing culturally competent medical care and culturally appropriate services to improve the health and satisfaction of its members.
Way before I ever existed, my parents met in Etzatlan Jalisco, Mexico in the month of October. A small town located near the capital of Mexico, Guadalajara. They dated for about two years before my parents decided to come to the United States. When they moved to the United States, they lived in Mount Airy, North Carolina with my current Godparents for about a month. After a month passed by my parents had moved to Virginia, where they stayed living in their own trailer throughout the pregnancy stages my mother was experiencing. Meanwhile, each day both my mother and father worked outside at a field harvesting peaches and tomatoes.
I remember my mom waking me up early and telling me to get dressed quickly. I had no clue where we were going. My mom kept repeating that we were to go on a road trip. She still wouldn’t tell me where. We got off the highway and the first thing I noticed was that my phone didn’t have any service. There was one road that we took for a good thirty minutes, then my mom stopped the car. I read the sign that said “Eagle Hill School”. I was very confused. We went on a tour of the campus and I still didn’t understand why we were there. All at once, it clicked in my head; I was going to attend here in September. At first, I was upset that my parents would make me go to school just for the learning disabilities that I have. I had the idea that people would make fun of me back at home for going to a disabilities
I was born to a nondenominational Youth Pastor and a Medical Sales Representative on July 30, 1996 in a tiny town in the Philippines called Naga Growing up, I spent most of my time with my many cousins. There was always someone to play with and always something to do. When my dad got the opportunity to become the Head pastor at a church in Northern California he took it. In November of 2002 my mom quit her job, we packed up our belongings, said our goodbyes and moved to Fremont, California.
I remember this: I was 5 years old, a Spanish speaking Jewish girl by ethnicity and Catholic by religion living with her family in a house in the state of San Salvador in El Salvador. We were a hard working family by most standards. Both of my parents own a Jewelry store in down town San Salvador, earning money every day, which made us high-middle class by Salvadorians standards. I also have a brother. We lived in a time during war in the country and a combination of irregular pay, hope, fear and military government. In this times, Mama Nila told me to have a positive attitude while teaching me how to cook.
It was early in the morning, and I had just woken up because I hear voices and objects being moved around in my grandma’s kitchen. I got up from the bed and made my way down the hallway straight to the kitchen. Once I entered the kitchen I saw all of my aunts with my grandma kneading the corn flour. I just stood there by the wooden door and watched as my aunts would laugh and talk to each other while the kneaded the corn flour. It was a beautiful sight to see because of the sunlight that was coming in from the window was hitting their faces and making it look like they were glowing. I started to look around the medium size room and saw the big dining table in the middle of the kitchen leaving little space to walk around properly.
My name had gone past many generations from my great grandmother to me, and my surname brings my family all tied up together. I was born in Laredo’s doctors hospital at dusk and I was two weeks premature. I was supposed to be born in Christmas but instead I came December the third. My mom was really excited to get me out of her, but she was nervous of course, since i was her first child. My mom had a “C section”, she said that she was asleep the whole time, she didn’t yet had seen or felt anything until she opened her eyes once again. When she woke up she found herself back in her room and my dad was next her. My dad was the one who woke my mom up with his screams. He was screaming “chiquita de mi corazón” meaning little girl of my heart. My