National initiatives promote these interests, providing examples of ways citizens and the government work together to address the health and wellness needs of all people. Healthy People 2020 is the newest wave of an initiative established to improve the health and well-being of people across the country. Their goals are to help people of all ages around the world. This certain initiative has 600 objectives within 42 topic areas. Another initiative is The Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010. It directs the USDA to increase access to healthy foods for low-income children. The national call to action to promote oral health, healthy child care America, national health and safety performance standards for child care are other initiatives. Each
According to “Healthy People 2020”, n.d. exclusively breast feeding infants for at least 3- 6 months significantly impacts their health outcomes and has long terms health benefits. Ultimately, the goal is to encourage nursing mothers to breastfeed for 1 year (“Maternal Infant and Child,” n.d.). Despite this knowledge women continue to face challenges in regard to public or employer accommodation to assist nursing mothers.
I spent the past week reviewing all the data I have collected to this point. The data and health needs reported in Healthy People 2020, as well as the epidemiological and community data I collected, convey consistent themes. The HP 2020 topics of injury and violence prevention, hearing and communication disorders, oral health and access to health services all appear to be topics of concern and are identified health needs of the community I am targeting. With epidemiological data showing the rates of autism climbing at steady levels, the need for an increase awareness and planned interventions involving these health topics will be essential to meet the objectives established by the federal government.
Healthy People 2020 has chosen twelve health indicators and has set a goal to improve them. Public health has a significant role in ensuring that these topics are addressed and that the goal is achieved. The leading health topic and indicator that I chose is within the Mental Health Status Improvement, and the indicator is reducing the suicide rate. In 2010, when the 10-year initiative started, the baseline measurement for suicides was 12.1; however, in 2015, it had increased to 13.3. The HP2020 target goal is 10.2 (Healthy People, 2017). The increase denotes that there was no progress made and that the measure worsens instead of improving.
The Healthy People 2020 initiative encompasses a holistic approach to promoting good health and preventing disease (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). However, when asked to reflect on myself as a role model of healthy behavior a mixed feeling of satisfaction and disappointment emerge. When evaluating my lifestyle choices throughout adulthood there is always a drastic misstep. For example, when I was in the best physical shape - I polluted my body with toxic cigarettes. I felt like a hypocrite every time I would educate my patients on the risk factors of smoking and the benefits of tobacco cessation. So, I quit smoking and then gained forty pounds. This is just one example of the barriers I face when attempting to achieve the
Healthy People 2020 (2015) states, health disparities are a health outcome of greater or lesser extent between populations, which includes populations by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, education, income, or geographic location. The purpose of the post is to discuss how disparities play a role in health, employment, and education for African Americans. I will also discuss two nursing interventions to decrease health disparities in this population, as well as challenges to implementing the nursing interventions.
Both Healthy Alaskans 2020 and Healthy People 2020 have similar goals: increase the number of people who exercise everyday or weak. The starting point, the first action, is always educating the public or school so that people will understand that exercise is something that will prevent obesity and will greatly improve people’s health, which could also affect the length of a person’s lifespan. Along the starting point, assistance from other organizations and programs are needed in order to carry out the action. Moreover, depending on who the audience is, there will be different ways of educating them. For example, a way to teach students would be to have presenters and more exciting activities that will make students want to participate. Another example is to provide easy access to the public so that more and more people will consider exercising. Small events such as sports competitions will also entice the people. Though the goals are the same, the strategies and plans on how the goal is met
The Objective for Healthy People 2020 is to significantly reduce the chances of the high risk population and the population who has the disease. The goal is try to implement a change in their lifestyle choices. Health People 2020 reports that “44.6 percent of adults aged 18 years and over who were at high risk for diabetes with prediabetes reported increasing their levels of physical activity in 2005-08.” The 2020 baseline objective in 2005-08 was at 44.6 percent and
This overview will cover the history, depth and breadth of diabetes along with its impact on the population and determinant data related to the condition. Discussion will be made regarding improvements for this initiative, the impact of health policy, educational programs and recommendations for the future. Finally, the overview will conclude with a discussion on the influence of a Christian worldview.
I enjoyed reading your DQ1 post this week, and there are a lot of contributing factors that led to disparities within the health care system. There are a lot of federal initiative to help aid in decreasing disparities within the health care system like the National HIV/AIDS strategy. The Healthy People 2020 initiative has been a useful tool to track disparities within the United States (U.S.) healthcare system. They analyze and track a wide variety of factors that can lead to disparities like geographic location, ethnicity, and sexual orientation (chap. 11). To end disparities, there has to be an effective way to monitor progression and educate every individual in the health care system about disparities. But like
One important Healthy People 2020 initiative to discuss is the prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections. The goal set through Healthy People 2020 (2015) is, “To promote healthy sexual behaviors, strengthen community capacity, and increase access to quality services to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their complications.” This health care initiative is important through-out the lifespan. It is important when trying to prevent transmission from mother to child and during sexual contact between adolescents, young adults, middle-aged adults, and the elderly. During the pregnancy and birthing process it is important to identify TORCH infections that can be acquired congenitally from mother to offspring. These infections can be transmitted during the birthing process and through breast feeding. It requires important education and prevention measures to help reduce the risk of morbidity and mortality (Stegmann & Carey, 2002). This group
United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Healthy People 2020 (2018) recognizes cardiovascular disease as one of the most widespread and costly health problems in the United States, accounting approximately $320 billion in health care expenditures and related expenses annually. Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) identifies prevention of cardiovascular disease as one of the priorities and includes an objective “to increase overall cardiovascular health and quality of life for US population." (HHS, Healthy People 2020, 2018)
Health people 2020 is focused on promoting health, protecting health, and providing preventative services. The plan is to decrease health disparities by improving the health of certain groups in need of better health care. The Health People 2020 initiative wants to prevent chronic disease such as cancer, diabetes mellitus, and heart disease.
We all know someone who has suffered from heart disease. Whether it was from a heart attack, congestive heart failure, or stroke, some type of cardiovascular disease has taken the life of someone we loved way too soon. This epidemic of heart disease must be stopped through the collaboration of physicians, nurses, law makers, and concerned citizens. The purpose of this paper is to examine cardiovascular disease, the risks associated with heart disease and obesity per Milo’s framework, comparison of obesity and Healthy People 2020 national goals, and finally the long-term and short-term goals and interventions selected for this paper.
In 2010, Healthy People 2020 was started by the Department of Human Health Services. Health programs and research topics were instituted to help Americans live healthier and longer lives (CDC, 2014). The 42 topics presented are all very important in maintaining the goals set by Healthy People 2020. If these programs were to be cut or budget restraints imposed on them, the impact would be felt by all Americans. There would be more unhealthy people, preventable chronic diseases would be more prevalent, and education and health associated programs would be
Since 1980, the United States has taken on 10-year plans that outline certain key national health objectives set to be accomplished during a 10-year timeframe (Shi & Singh, 2015). These initiatives are founded on medical care with prevention services, health promotion, education, community health care, and increased access to integrated services. The initiative, Healthy People 2010: Healthy People in Healthy Communities, launched in 2000. The initiative emphasizes the role of community partners such as