The Odyssey, by Homer, translated by Robert Fitzgerald, is about a man named Odysseus, who was one of the Greek heroes in the Trojan War. In the Odyssey, Odysseus goes on a journey to return home to Ithaca. On the way, he encounters countless life-threatening obstacles, but he survives all of them, as a result it costs him several of his men. Throughout the journey, Odysseus stays adamant in his perseverance, which comes from his longing to be reunited with his family. Perseverance means to be able to do anything, even if there are many difficulties or obstacles in the way. Throughout the Odyssey, Odysseus used perseverance to conquer the difficult obstacles in his journey home. In the Odyssey: Part I, one example of Odysseus’s perseverance was when he and his crew encountered the Cyclops. Just after landing, and finding the dweller that lived in the mountain which stood the Cyclops, …show more content…
One example is when I was learning how to swim. A few years back, I always wanted to learn how to swim, but I couldn’t. The only situation I was satisfied with doing was standing in water that went no higher than my shoulders. Therefore my parents sent me to swimming lessons. The only obstacle I had to overcome was treading water, in the deep end. I was always afraid of the deep end, even with instructors and life guards around. Well, one day, my classmates and I had to practice our treading, I was too afraid to get in, and therefore my instructor picked me up and threw me in. That was the day I realized I needed to be brave and overcome my fear of the deep end. Nonetheless it took a while. All of my hard work came through, and now I go on any pool or water park knowing that I didn’t have to worry about drowning. I learned that if I wanted to achieve something, then I would have to have perseverance, and overcome the obstacles that come with wanting to achieve it, just like
Maria Duran Period.4 December 4th,2017 ‘’ Perseverance is stubbornness is a purpose’’(Josh Shipp).Throughout the Odyssey, Odysseus shows perseverance. But how is that the theme?The theme is that perseverance is key. For instance, if he wanted to Odysseus could have given up and stay at any of the places he was offered to stay at Kirke’s island and have everything needed to survive, but instead, he shows that he wants to go home, this shows that if you have perseverance you will achieve your goals. After Odysseus wins the war, he is set on going home and that’s exactly what he did, but how?Odysseus did have some battles such as his encounter with Polyphêmos, he could’ve let him kill him but instead, he poked his eye out and
Homer 's Odyssey chronicles the journey of the great Greek hero Odysseus and the setbacks he encountered on his way home from the Trojan war. Odysseus
In “The Odyssey”by Homer, Odysseus and his crew go in a journey to going back to their home, but they go through some obstacles just like when you are going through life. For example in the book Lotus Eaters were trying to encourage Odysseus and his crew into eating their Lotus which can make you lose your sense of place or home, just like with drugs or peer pressure. Another example is the monster six headed monster Scylla who can kill and snatch you quickly, that represents how easily an accident or a tragedy can happen in your life. My last example is Penelope’s loyalty to Odysseus, which made her not so easy to give up on their love. That represents the loyalty and love of your friends and family and how you don’t give up on them.
Veterans from war fight long and hard to protect and serve our country. When they return home, some soldiers have a difficult time adjusting back to a civilian life. In The Odyssey by Homer, a young man named Odysseus and his men leave for the Trojan war and face many obstacles on their journey back to Ithaca. The journey lasts twenty years and results in the deaths of many of Odysseus’ men. However, when they return home from their journey, Odysseus struggles to return to the life he had twenty years ago.
The Odyssey is an epic poem that is taken place after the Trojan War. Odysseus and his men were sailing from Troy to Ithica. The trip lasted 10 years and they had some positives and negatives. So even though they had their ups and downs, throughout the adventure they learned many lessons throughout their journey to Ithica. As Odysseus home from Troy, he changes physically and mentally as he learns the following lessons: cunning overpowers physical strength giving into temptations has negative effects, and loyalty and perseverance are heroic and admirable.
The Odyssey is a tale of growth and development. Odysseus was, in a sense, defeated by the power of Circe. However, later in the story, as he continued to grow and change, he was able to be strong when faced with Calypso. He did not forget his goal of getting home as he had previously done.
In Book 9, Odysseus does battle with a popular Greek Mythology creature the Cyclopes. Here Odysseus shows us how cunning he can be. While trapped Odysseus really fears that he will never see that homeland of Ithaca ever again. He is very mournful and we see just how much he misses home. He finally realizes how to escape from the Cyclops. He stabs the Cyclops in his only eye blinding him. He then tells the monster
In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus illustrates courage, determination, and intelligence which help him overcome enemies in order
The Hero's Journey is never an easy one. This particular journey, as detailed in Homer's The Odyssey, is one of struggle, loss, heartache, pain, growth and triumph. It is comprised of many steps that Odysseus has to overcome and battle through in order to achieve his final goal of reaching his home and his loved ones. From the Call to Adventure to the Freedom or Gift of living, Odysseus conquered them all. The story begins in the middle of the story, as many of the oral Greek traditions did, with the Journey of Telemachus to find his father. Although Telemachus has not yet met his father, it is almost as if they are journeying together, where the end of both of their journeys results in being
In the epic poem, The Odyssey, by Homer, Odysseus goes through many trials while trying to return home from the Trojan War. On his voyage home, he must visit the Land of the Dead, evade the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis and when he does arrive home, participate in a tricky reunion with his wife, Penelope. All of these examples show that Odysseus has extreme determination and perseverance. Perseverance is an excellent quality that few possess which can spark achievement.
In The Odyssey, the Greek hero Odysseus must make it back to his home in Ithaca after the battle of Troy. Along his journey, he encounters obstacles that require the upmost perseverance and willpower to survive. Some of these obstacles include a giant cyclops who wants to eat him, lotus-eating peoples that drug his crew, violent storms that
Odysseus, King of Ithaca, and the main character in homer’s The Odyssey, was gone for twenty years before finally returning to his family and his homeland. He struggled through many hardships and lost many loyal companions. The King of Ithaca would not have made it home without the assistance of the Greek gods. Despite all of the help and advice that Odysseus receives from the gods, he is a very brave man because his courage and daring in the cave of the Cyclops, his inability to give up and abandon his men on Circe’s island, and his flawless following of the gods instructions are acts of bravery that is uncommon in most men.
In The Odyssey, Odysseus portrays an important trait to the story, perseverance. His perseverance really stands out as something that he has and always will have. On his long journey home, he never gives up and just stays where he is, no matter how tempting. He always manages to push through and keep getting closer to his goal of returning home. An example of when he does this is when he is faced with the challenge of getting past Skylla and Kharybdis. He knows that either path will kill at least some of his men and possibly him, but he knows he has to keep going. "And all this time,/ in travail,
In The Odyssey, perseverance is an important lesson and is one repeatedly seen throughout the whole play and occurs with more than one character. Odysseus, his wife Penelope, and his son Telemachus all displayed strong actions of perseverance. Odysseus fought through terrors and deadly sins in order to get back to his wife and son, his family, his home. He persevered from the beginning of Homers’ epic all the way through till the end. From his escape from Calypso’s hold to Circes temptations Odysseys was relentless in getting home and never gave up on that. He and his men can in contact with the lotus-eaters and the sirens of the sea, but never once did he stray his course and give up his perseverance. Everything from his way of thinking to his desire to survive and conquer, fall into the promotion of perseverance. When Odysseus finally returns home and finds his wife’s suitors he undermines them and takes his rightful place back on the throne of his house. Odysseus’s wife Penelope exhibits this heaven worthy trait also, by relentlessly pursuing the belief that her husband is not truly dead, and even though she lets her suitors take advantage of her house and her kindness she never once sways in loyalty to her husband. Through tears and grief she persevered and when he finally returned to her, her heart was filled naught with guilt but with love for him because unto him she had done no wrong. Lastly, Telemachus displayed perseverance by pursuing the truth of his father even when his own doubt clouded his judgment. Telemachus went on voyages and discovered the real truth about his biological father all the while growing as a person. Perseverance appears to be one of the strong traits in Homers’ The Odyssey and the fact that several of his characters all have this trait and displays it in different ways and at different times to one another really goes to show how profoundly
Odysseus left Calypso’s Island and began his journey back home. His odyssey might be described as one’s own life struggles. There are ups and downs to every situation, and through reading The Odyssey, readers can connect parallels between Odysseus’ experiences and lessons learned in their own life. Human weaknesses can still prevail through even the strongest men you may think of; examples of this are shown in this epic. Even though there is a large gap in space between Odysseus’ travels and the present, human nature and weakness still share the same obstacles.