
An Explication of 'Prospective Immigrants Please Note' by Adrienne Rich.

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"Prospective Immigrants Please Note" Adrienne Rich Either you will go through this door or you will not go through. If you go through there is always the risk of remembering your name. Things look at you doubly and you must look back and let them happen. If you do not go through it is possible to live worthily to maintain your attitudes to hold your position to die bravely but much will blind you, much will evade you, at what cost who knows? The door itself makes no promises. It is only a door. A poem by Adrienne Rich, "Prospective Immigrants Please Note", helps one consider the dual perspective, the mother culture and the American ideals. Rich 's essential goal is to remember your families and origins. First of …show more content…

I don 't know that what I say here is meaningful or insightful, or anything spectacular in any way, but I do know this poem has been one that so resonates with me that it seems a crime to not say something, and I do not want to brush past that door. I have read this poem a number of times and I believe this poem is about, immigrants and how they have a choice to leave their country or not. I believe "The door makes no promises" means nobody is going to promise you that you are going to have a wonderful, joyous life in the new country, and it is only a door, to go through or not to go through. Re-examining the title "Prospective Immigrants Please Note", it becomes clear that the poem addresses "immigrants" to wisely assess the decision of going into another country or just staying. The poet is talking to her Jewish community telling them if you leave your country, don 't forget what happened and if you decide not to go through the door you can still live a fulfilled life. Upon deciding not to leave the country all that is require is maintaining you attitude, standing your ground, dieing bravely. Who knows what will happen next? Going to another country or going through "the door" there are no guarantees, but that it is an option, "it is only a door." However there is still a door! There are not many legal doors any more anywhere else! A door without any promise is better than

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