
An Indentured Servant's Letter Home Analysis

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In “An Indentured Servant’s Letter Home” there is many things that Mr. Frethorne writes to his parents that shows he is very homesick. All throughout the letter he talks about how it is nothing like England, and how he wants to go back home. At one point in the letter he begs his parents to redeem him so he can go back to England saying “And indeed so I find it now, to my great grief and misery; and [I] saith that if you love me you will redeem me suddenly, for which I do entreat and beg.”. (An indentured Servant’s Letter) In this sentence to his parents he is saying that is if they had any love for him at all then they would do whatever it takes to get him back to England. There they had no comfort items in America to remind them of their families that were miles and miles away. “I pray you to remember my love to all my friends and kindred.” (An indentured Servant’s Letter) in this he is saying that he wanted and hoped that all of his family and friends would remember all of his love for them even though he is away. …show more content…

These English people were often contracted for a certain amount of time and their “pay” usually was a passageway to America and had a shelter to stay in and poor man’s food to eat with any other benefits in the contract that was written like clothes. “I never ate peas and loblollie (that is water gruel)” (An indentured Servant’s Letter) and “I have eaten more in [one] day at home then I had allowed me here for a week”. (An indentured Servant’s Letter) These two excerpts from the letter to his parents show just how much food they got to eat and what it was. Mr. Frethorne grew so tired of peas and loblillie and the mouthfulls of bread that he begged his parents to send him some

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