
An Individual 's Level Of Communication

Decent Essays

Identify Areas of Strength Given that the four surveys determine an individual’s skill/motivation to take charge and the ability to manage subordinates, based on their level of communication. I believe that the survey’s outcomes were favorable and accurate in my case. Considering statements such as “I’m optimistic about life, and I can see beyond temporary setbacks and problems” and “I think that personal feelings shouldn 't be allowed to get in the way of performance and productivity” are some of my main ideologies that I apply. For example, I worked at a computer repair shop and working in a setting where team collaboration was a major aspect of the job. Each member of the team had a certain job to fulfill and in some cases, I had to work on my own and other team members repairs. Initially, it was difficult to handle but as time went on I kept a positive attitude regardless of the circumstances and didn’t let my personal feelings interfere with the quality of my work and ability to communicate with coworkers. At my work, we rely on clear and concise communication because the liability of the product and reputation of the store is massively reliant on the work we provide as a team. Furthermore, my strengths also include the ability to perceive feedback as a learning experience and to further improve on the feedback I ask for examples to completely understand the issue and try to improve on that. This heavily applies to my work due to customers/coworkers feedback being the

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