An orthopedic field that specializes avoidance and management of sports related injuries that range from minor to serious incidents is known as sports medicine. New treatments arise everyday that correlate with injury rehabilitation, a relatively new treatment that is performing breakthrough in medicinal science is gene therapy. It displays great potential in getting athletes back into physical activity faster, whilst regenerating injury to complete fitness. Even though gene therapy is relatively new with ten years of research, it is based on the evidence that generating genes outside of the body and genetically modifying them, before re injecting them back into the body, can help to reinstate missing genes that are caused by
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The first type is a viral vector, which is a genetically altered virus that specifically targets injury sites. Here the genes that are used by the virus to duplicate themselves are detached and substituted with the anticipated growth factor gene. Viral vector systems remain the most efficient vehicles to achieve long-term stable gene expression in the CNS (Bower, 2011). Afterwards the virus attaches itself to the injured targets using receptors. Next, viral and/or cellular proteins will allocate the genetic code (rDNA) for the wanted growth factor within the cytoplasm and into the nucleus. Manifestation of the growth factor by the genetically transformed target cells can promptly be commenced.
Other ways to introduce growth factors are the use of non-viral vectors, like genetically modified liposomes. The reason non-viral vectors are sometimes more preferred is due to the fact that they are safer, in the sense that they possess lower toxicity and are simpler to concoct that viral vectors. Although they are safer they have far lesser efficiency in terms of gene transfer, which is a fundamental element in the achievement of the procedure. The reason gene transfer isn’t more prominent and all over the place is simply due to the fact is the presence of unproductive transfer vectors, and that is why finding a safer more efficient way of vector transferring
Gene Therapy 's Benefits in Sports Injuries
The fact that the cartilage, and meniscus of the
What is Sports Medicine? Well the word says it all; sports medicine is the study and practice of medicine related to the science of sports in the areas of diagnosing and treating sports injuries, injury prevention, and athletic training that includes workouts or exercises and nutrition. In other words, sports medicine is a field of medicine that concentrates exclusively on the injuries resulting from sports such as football, baseball, basketball, and other sports. There are many different kinds of sports injuries; therefore there have to be several kinds of orthopedics or specialists to treat patients according to their injuries. There are many sport medicine researchers that are working hard to find different ways to help all kinds of
Michael Behar explains in his article “Will Genetics Destroy Sports?” the threat of twenty-first century genetic science faced in the world of sports. Behar begins by providing anecdotes that describe what gene therapy is. He specifically examines IGF-I genes throughout. According to Behar, IGF-I genes is a hormone that promotes extreme muscle growth and swift muscle repair.
The purpose of this career is to focus on the study of human movement from eight different aspects; developmental, historical, mechanical, motor control, pathological, physiological, psychological, and psychosocial. Within this career one must know every single thing about the human body. There are several factors that this career highlights such as, exercise physiology, sport nutrition, sports psychology, motor behavior, biomechanics, and athletic training and sports medicine. In this career a person enjoys working out, love playing sports, and wants to maintain a healthy body.
Many people believe that concussions are just a head injury that causes headaches, but it’s more than that, so much more than that! In my recent research over Concussions, more importantly, concussions due to sports related occurrences, and the side effects.
A test tube was filled with adeno-associated virus vectors that have an ampicillin marker and a separate test tube was filled with SBDS genes. Restriction enzyme HindIII was added to each test tube allowing both the vector and the gene to be cut in the exact same place so that they can be combined perfectly in the ligation phase of the gene therapy process. The mixtures were then allowed to incubate at 37 °C for two hours. After the two-hour period, the contents of the two test tubes were combined and mixed together along with ligase enzymes.
Do you enjoy getting tackled over and over again? So then why would you let your kid get tackled over and over again? There are many benefits to sports but like all things, there have to be cons. There have been countless deaths, injuries and brain damage in football.
Participating in youth sports does not always have solely positive impacts regarding a child’s physical and mental health. The greatest danger sports presents are injuries. Injuries can happen during any action throughout the day, but the risk is greatly increased by playing sports. Injuries are also the number one concern for parents of athletes, “Nearly 9 out of 10 parents have concerns about risk of injury (87.9%), according to an EspnW/Aspen Institute Project Play Survey of Parents on youth sports issues in 2014(Aspen).” Injuries not only can cause great damage to the athlete's body, but the recovery can also lead to high medical costs if the injury is severe enough. “The National Center for Sports Safety reports that 3.5 million children aged 14 years and younger receive medical care for sports-related injuries each year, and of all the sports-related injuries that are cared for in the emergency room, two thirds involve injuries to children.” With so many cases of injuries, many parents may be put off from allowing their kids to participate in these sports. Some of the injuries sustained in youth sports can have serious injuries to youth, with head, back, and leg injuries being the most notable.
Genes are “the building blocks of our bodies” states AMA, because of how they act like instructions of sorts and carry the information that would help create proteins, they’re made up of hundreds of DNA and according to the Human Genome Project, humans have about 20,000 to 25,000 genes in them. Originally gene therapy was intended to be used for treating and curing diseases, which are caused by mutations in the genes, and by injecting in healthy DNA into the cells, it “repairs” the genes that are missing or not working properly. Genetic enhancement can be used for athletes, it’d be considered “gene-doping” though, technically the same process except with a different
Poet Marguerite Murer once said, “A critical role in athletics I do play; Without me there would be no game today.” Sports medicine professionals and football players go hand and hand. Without Sports Medicine professionals, football players could not perform their job. Without Sports Medicine professionals, there would not be as many healthy athletes, as coaches and players would have greater opportunities to abuse recovery, causing players to ultimately get injured even further. Over time, research in the Sports Medicine field, especially pertaining to concussions, has improved the overall health and injury recovery of football players. Research has not only provided more insight into these type of injuries but has also allowed for advancements in the recovery process. Along with increasing awareness during the recovery process following an injury, research has also been applied to the development and improvement of equipment in an effort to prevent injuries before they occur.
Gene Doping is defined as using “Forbidden substances or methods to increase physical and or mental performance” ( Gene doping is banned from athletics, and very dangerous to use, mainly for the body. There are some pluses to the drug, it helps with dangerous diseases, helps people gain strength back, and also helps them become more resistant to being winded. Even though it is good for the sick, for the healthy it plays the same role but it is very dangerous because there are unknown side effects that even doctors don’t know about. Gene therapy is very important for anemia, muscular dystrophy, and peripheral vascular disease. “The therapy helps by putting more oxygen in tissues, putting more oxygen in the blood, and
Heat illness is one of the most preventable sports injuries. It’s a problem that can sideline an athlete for the game or even end a career. Athletes need to take steps to reduce the potential for heat injury by making sure they are prepared for training and competing in the heat. Adequate fluid intake both on and off the field helps keep energy levels high by regulating body temperature, preventing heat exhaustion and transporting nutrients and energy to the muscle tissue.
Gene doping is a method used in which genes can be modified or expressed to provide a development that can enhance the body and mind. This method, gene doping was introduced in the late 1970s from several scientists after the development of recombinant of DNA. The process of gene doping can unlock the full human potential. People can deve their muscle growth, blood production, pain resistance, and much more using gene doping (Runkle). Allowing the method of gene doping, could draw in new viewers for genetically modified sports and it can help the elderly with life long problems.
In the U.S there are thirty million or more children/teens that participate in sports. Out of the 30 million children/teens that participate in sports, 3.5 million of those children/teens get injured each year.
Act as a cell carrier or control the release of growth factors, transfection vectors and/or genetically modified cells.
Gene therapy is a technique that is used to cure diseases, and to stop malfunctioning genes from producing the disease in humans. Gene therapy involves introducing normal functioning genes into a sequence containing malfunctioning genes, which either stop or hinder the production of important proteins or cells needed in the body. Doctors are able to cure diseases, and may soon be able to prevent diseases, by taking copies of the DNA sequence with the malfunctioning gene, and inserting a better working gene into the DNA sequence, which will then provide the cells with the correct amount of proteins that it needs to carry out bodily processes. The most common techniques of gene therapy used in order to cure severe combined immunodeficiency diseases are, Restriction enzymes, PCR, DNA sequencing and Gel electrophoresis, Ligation and viral vectors. These four techniques allow scientists to insert functioning normal genes into the area causing the disease, and produce the correct amount of proteins needed to cure humans.