Autobiography of our encounters and engagements with the philosophy course.
In this introduction to philosophy course, when i taken the course what i was though that about the philosophy was that is related to Individual’s ways. How to examining every situation happening with thing has different philosophical approach in life attending at the first few sessions came to know about that What I think about philosophy is something different way. In the major part of the Philosophy is deals with arguments and counter statements I know a lot of things about during this sessions philosophy means study of general and fundamentals problems. I learned how to think philosophically and how to argument in philosophy. I also encountered the philosophical concepts and through the ideas that which i have not thought about them. Philosophy is nothing but whatever is happen or going around us and around the world.
To know about the arguments such as inverted spectrum argument and the arguments they are valid argument, invalid argument, sound argument and unsound argument. Sounds arguments are related to valid arguments. The deduction are universal facts
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Someone said that god is exist and asked what is the proof and scientific reason. That time i thought that is god is really exist or not and started thinking because my parents said that we have to believe in the god from that time i use to believe in god but i really don’t know god is really exists. After discussing in the class And we started discussion in the groups. It is actually a valid argument. After that we seems to this argument which is unsound. I had doubt about the ontological argument, whether one can conclude existence of the god with this argument. Some people doesn't believe in the god But i used to say that god is really existence. God is in every person to help to the people. Iam still confusing in existences of god
The debate of the existence of God had been active since before the first philosopher has pondered the question. Anselm’s Ontological Argument was introduced during the 11th century and had stood deductively valid until the 18th century. Then there are the arguments to aim disprove God, such as the Argument from Evil.
The ontological argument was first developed by St. Anselm. In his address, Anselm considered the Fool of Psalm 14, who held the belief that there is no God. He justified that the Fool’s argument was indeed self-undermining. In the ontological argument, Anselm argued that denying that God exists shows that God does exist. He labeled God as a unique perfect being; all-knowing, all-good, and all-powerful. In his argument, Anselm draws the distinction between “existing in the mind” and “existing in reality”. The example provided was when a person intends on doing something, it exist in the mind; whereas when a person has actually done something, it exist in reality. However, there are many things that exist only in reality such as the example
There are many proofs for the existence of God, but maybe none are as famous as St. Anselm's Ontological argument. The Ontological argument is addressing God, as a prayer. Anselm analyzes the very idea of God to prove that he exists. There are two versions of Anselm's Ontological argument, and both attempt to show that God must exist. Despite the many critics that Anselm faced including Guanilo, and St. Thomas Aquinas, the Ontological argument continues to be one of the most famous arguments for the existence of God that provides support for those who believe in God.
Philosophy is one of the most important subjects taught today. Philosophy can teach us things as broad as secrets of the universe and as personal as knowing right from wrong. In the following paragraphs, I will explain each concept, as well as its importance to myself.
To apprehend God is akin to apprehending truths of mathematical nature; they are found within the contents of the mind and are ontologically and logically true. Further, mathematical truths have ‘essences’ which necessitate their existence; for example, the fact of three angles equalling two right angles is essential to the existence of the triangle. It is what makes the existing thing what it is. As for the idea of God, Descartes writes, “existence can no more be separated from the essence of God.”. Because God is defined as perfect, it then follows that God must therefore exist, as existence is itself a perfection. In other words, perfection is existence, and to not exist would be less than perfect; therefore, the ontological argument argues for necessity of God’s existence by virtue of his perfect essence.
Any argument (ontological argument) for the existence of God is a priori and has no empirical or contingent premises. It only relies on the concept or idea of God and is inspired by Anselm's Proslogion. According to Anselms’ Proslogion, we know there is nothing that can be greater than God and God can exist in one’s understanding. But if there is nothing that can be greater than God, there exists in one’s understanding. God's existence in the actual world is something that is greater than God's existence in one's understanding.
The ontological argument was an argument created by Saint Anselm. Anselm argued that if we thought about what God is and what he can do then we know he must exist. What Anselm means by this is that if our minds can think of something so great like God, we should realize that an all-powerful God must exist in reality. Anselm states that God is, “that than which nothing greater can be conceived.” This quote means if we can comprehend who God is, then there has to be a more powerful God than in our minds, in reality because if God is such a perfect being, then this implies that he must be by definition as well.
The Ontological Argument for the Existence of God The ontological argument is an a priori argument. The arguments attempt to prove God's existence from the meaning of the word God. The ontological argument was introduced by Anselm of Canterbury in his book Proslogion. Anselm's classical argument was based on two principals and the two most involved in this is St Anselm of Canterbury as previously mentioned and Rene Descartes.
The ontological argument can be stated in this way: “God is the greatest being imaginable. One of the aspects of perfection or greatness is existence. Thus, God exists.” Or put another way—“The fact that God can be conceived means that he must exist.”
The question "Does God Exist?" is a well-known asked question in the world. Most people believe they know the answer to it. The religious people would say, well of course he does, while the non-religious people or atheist would say no He does not exist. Because evil exist and chaos exists, God cannot be all-powerful. In the modern world, there are many different opinions as to whether a God exists or not. This has been an issue of great dispute because many people reverence different gods or no god at all. For years, many philosophers have come up with theories, proofs, and hypotheses to prove the existence of God, and a canon of arguments has been developed. The Arguments for the Existence of God sets out to explain the everyday philosophical arguments for theism, and so to explore the case for the existence of God. The arguments themselves are arranged under the following headings: The Ontological Argument, The Cosmological Argument, The Teleological Argument, and The Moral Argument will determine if there really is a God.
The main goal in philosophy is to shows us the right way on how to live a great life and to understand its meaning and purpose. Every philosopher has their own blueprint, which includes different methods and rules on how to reach that goal; these include backing up your opinions with reason, seeking secure foundations in ‘objective truth’, thinking outside of your own perspective, and seeking intellectual and moral excellence, wisdom and prudence. Philosophy will help you analyze and learn about your own knowledge, freedom, morality, religion, and the meaning of life.
To begin, it is important to understand and analyze what philosophy is and ultimately what a philosophical question is. Philosophy is a quest after knowledge. Philosophy is the action of thought and analysis, in fact, it is a pretty unique type of
The existence of God has been in question for as long as mankind has existed and thought logically. Many questions have plagued the human mind in regards to God, and there have been many arguments drawn with the hopes of proving the existence of a supreme being whom we know as God. The “God” question has been presented to every individual at some point in their lives. It is a topic that will bring forth never-ending questions and an equal amount of attempted answers. Many philosophers have formulated different rationales when examining the topic of God, some of which include how the word itself should be defined, what his role is in human existence, whether or not he loves us, and ultimately, if he even exists at all. Mankind cannot
Philosophy can be described as a chance for person to undertake an opportunity to understand themselves, our world and society, and relations between ourselves and one another. Those who are able to study philosophy, can find out what is to be human, what kind of person is it good to be, and especially how are we to live a good life. I, myself, have had an opportunity to take a philosophy class and as my time in philosophy is starting to come to a close, I am suddenly realizing how Philosophy has changed the aspects and my outlook upon my life.
It is difficult and nearly impossible to say whether or not God can exist because there is a definite lack of knowledge, or limited knowledge, regarding this issue. Most human beings in society have the natural curiosity and burning desire to know if God does or does not exist. But, when it comes to God – the possibilities are endless. He is anything and everything – he is not