
An Unpaid Internship A Wise Move For Job Seekers

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Is taking an unpaid internship a wise move for job seekers to get started in their career path? Or is it worth for the interns working as cheap labor? During the last two decades, with the ebbs of economy more frequent than its flows worldwide, an outgrowth of tough employment market has triggered the explosion of unpaid internships which have, on the one hand, allowed private sector employers to minimize their business costs by leveraging the cheap labor, on the other, plunged job seekers into certain professions where they often willingly or passively work as low-cost labor for achieving expected career competitiveness. The so-called ‘exploitative internship’ thus founded a ground for the rise of intern economy.

Many firms found that they could get away with paying minimum wage or paying nothing by offering college credit to interns, and/or arranging an express waiver that embedded in the implied employment contract or internships policies (Jessica & Olha 2013, p 187). This practice has been extensively leveraged by employers in the labor market and made of the implication of intern economy. The disconnection between the legislation and employment practices in the market as the spin-off that has attracted widespread attention on ethics issues. The intern economy, therefore, has posed an argument to society is whether or not the internship is an inevitable career step or whether the internship is a sort of exploitation?

This paper aims to investigate the

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