
An analysis of a Commitment Contract for Smoking Cessation (CARES)

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An analysis of a Commitment Contract for Smoking Cessation (CARES)

Maastricht University

School of Business & Economics

Place & date:
Maastricht, 23. January 2014

Names, initials:
Irene Lopez Santiago, Maxime Mülhausen, Léo Schwering

For assessor only

ID number:
I6075315, I6075392, I6075347

1. Content


2. Language structure

Course code:
EBS 1001

3. Language accuracy

Group number:
Tutorial Group 15
Group A

4. Language: Format & citing/referencing

Tutor name:
Diogo Da Cunha Batista Geraldes


Writing tutor name:
Diogo Da Cunha Batista Geraldes

Advisory grade

1. Introduction

It is very common for people to make …show more content…

After six months they were asked to come in to take an urine test, to detect nicotine and cotinine. If they passed, their money was returned to them. If they failed, the money was given to charity. The aim of this product was to psychologically influence smokers to attempt to stop smoking, as they were under pressure of losing some of their money if they did not (Giné, Karlan & Zinman, 2009).

The results from this program showed a reasonably good outcome, when taking into consideration the success rate of other programs with a similar aim. Overall, the same percentage of people stopped smoking as with any other smoking program. However, the amount of money that the effort took was considerably lower than with other schemes (Giné et al., 2009). After all, nicotine patches need to be frequently purchased until the physical addiction passes, and the same applies to other schemes, so that quitting smoking is relatively expensive, even if not as much as keeping smoking indefinitely. Of course this program has just been studied in one occasion, and to be certain of its success more trials and long term scrutiny should be made.

2.3 The empirical cycle
There are many different standardized ways of testing whether a theory is correct and whether a study has followed the required methods for it to be officially accepted. One such way is by using the empirical cycle, which is made up of five steps and describes a circle

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