
Analogy: Second Chances

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Analogy - I chose this strategy to transition into concluding my speech. I needed to switch ideas from my personal story, back into my “I believe” segment. The analogy I decided to use was, “Second chances are essential to my life just as a spare tire is to a car.” Coupled with my placement, the impact that was intended by using an analogy was also an attempt to signify the importance of second chances to my life. Analyzing the impact the analogy plays a pivotal role in keeping the speech on topic, and circulating around a singular theme. By using the analogy, it allows myself to show the significance of second chances and outline them to have similar attributes to a spare tire. Characteristics that I intended to convey include second chances …show more content…

I decided to utilize this device in my conclusion in order to repeatedly emphasize the prevalence of second chances in the audience’s life, consciously or not. By repeating an identical introductory phrase of every segment, the impact of the individual compartments build off one and another. Establishing a culminating anaphoric sentence occupies a sizable portion of the conclusion. By allocating it a spot in the conclusion, it assists in further asserting the main point of the speech, before concluding the speech. It serves as a final point of evidence and provides the reader a time to introspect and visualize the role second chances play in their lives. The only challenge I faced while writing this portion of my speech was ordering the different segments, to provide a successful flow while still maintaining a excellent final statement. One success I saw was being able to write the separate segments that seemed to all touch the

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