Analogy - I chose this strategy to transition into concluding my speech. I needed to switch ideas from my personal story, back into my “I believe” segment. The analogy I decided to use was, “Second chances are essential to my life just as a spare tire is to a car.” Coupled with my placement, the impact that was intended by using an analogy was also an attempt to signify the importance of second chances to my life. Analyzing the impact the analogy plays a pivotal role in keeping the speech on topic, and circulating around a singular theme. By using the analogy, it allows myself to show the significance of second chances and outline them to have similar attributes to a spare tire. Characteristics that I intended to convey include second chances …show more content…
I decided to utilize this device in my conclusion in order to repeatedly emphasize the prevalence of second chances in the audience’s life, consciously or not. By repeating an identical introductory phrase of every segment, the impact of the individual compartments build off one and another. Establishing a culminating anaphoric sentence occupies a sizable portion of the conclusion. By allocating it a spot in the conclusion, it assists in further asserting the main point of the speech, before concluding the speech. It serves as a final point of evidence and provides the reader a time to introspect and visualize the role second chances play in their lives. The only challenge I faced while writing this portion of my speech was ordering the different segments, to provide a successful flow while still maintaining a excellent final statement. One success I saw was being able to write the separate segments that seemed to all touch the
organizing the body of the speech; more specifically, the use of main points, supporting points,
“And it hits me, not then, but today, thirty years later. Thirty years too late”(91). Those are the words of Jessamyn Hope when speaking about her experience with regret regarding her life’s decisions, the major theme for her essay. Her essay tells the story about how she failed to overcome two life challenges, one having a direct physical impact and the other having a delayed impact. The essay “The Reverse Dive” by Jessamyn Hope is a narrative essay looking to persuade its reader through the use of analogy, empirical evidence, and appeal to emotion that one should face their challenges while they can to avoid regrets.
In chapter 11 of the Communication in a Civil Society, the book introduces readers to different ways to prepare a civil public speech. The chapter explains everything ranging from how to come up with ideas for your speech to how to deliver it effectively. Having read this chapter before I proceeded on doing my Speed Introduction Speech, helped me tremendously on what messages I should be communicating in my speech, which is the part that I have struggled the most in all of my writing and speech assignments. Furthermore, the book tell us that a specific speech statement is important because it will help us narrow down to the essential topics that need to be in the speech. With this knowledge in mind, I wrote down topics that will help introduce
1. “He’s wrong, we may get forgiveness but we never get second chances.” PG. 44 2. This is one of the most important quotes in this book because it carries the theme of this book.
| Conclusion: Do these lines enhance or detract from the credibility of the narrative voice.
During the early 1900’s many women would get pregnant without any means of doing so. Most of the women that were becoming pregnant were financially unstable and could not afford to support another child. In order for women to feed their large families they began to work and on top of working they had to take care of things at home. Countless kids that came from large families were forced into child labor in order to help support their families. These women were forced to become mothers when they did not want to be. A majority of women during this time period would die while giving birth.Women began to want to control their own bodies. Margaret Sanger took notice of the problems that women had to face and decided to do something about it.
This connection facilitates the flow from the thesis through the essay by providing a destination for the transitory paragraphs in the middle. Metaphorically, if the main body of the essay is a bridge, then the thesis and its ultimate echo are the riverbanks on either side—without both banks, the bridge would not go anywhere. Without Mr. King’s apt conclusion, his arguments for why people love horror would seem to wander. The end of Mr. King’s conclusion contains examples of all
The Second Chance Act is a program that was introduced in 2007. The main goal of the Second Chance Act is to give convicts a second chance in the world while on parole. It does this by forgiving or going easy on minor or technical violations that would have normally sent parolees back to prison. Other main functions of the act include mentoring, substance abuse therapy, and re-entry training (Second). These help avoid the need to excuse minor violations in the first place.
Before the delivering of the speech, preparation is crucial given that it gives the speaker a clear clue of what his should talk about, how he can organize his speech and how he can perform well in front of specific groups of audiences. Once my topic is decided, according to Joshua, I should further narrow my topic and find the most three points, which are the “magic numbers (136)”, by going through the general speech purpose. In this case, my purpose is “to inform or teach” about myself, thus I chose “anime”, “horror movie”, and “spicy food”. I started preparing through this point, yet I failed to consider more about my “organization”. In my original speech outline, I simply put these all three things together without considering any order. As it says that “you want to do so in a way that is manageable to you as a speaker and memorable to a listening audience (Joshua, 135)”, speaker should better to create an organized speech for audience. Considering that I want to emphasize who I am, I should use topical order which tells different characteristics. By correcting my original speech outline, the “spicy food” which tells about my identity should go first, then “horror movie” goes next, and at last my favorite “anime” on which I should strongly emphasize should end the speech.
We need to learn from what we did wrong and remember to not repeat them again. From this we can look back and reflect and analyze the consequences then seperate what is right and what is wrong. In the story “The first stone” by Don Aker, the protagonist named Reef decides to throw a stone at a windshield of a car that eventually puts an innocent girl named Leeza in a terrible condition. After the news are spread around, Reef must undergo the consequences. His behaviour, actions and language makes him a young offender in the first place but he goes through some events that eventually changes him, making him a very dynamic character from the start to the end he was given a second chance. His life changed because he avoided the negatives of the past, learnt his lesson and improved as a good person by making good friends. In the story “The first stone” by Don Aker, the protagonist named Reef decides to throw a stone at a windshield of a car that eventually put an innocent girl named Leeza in a terrible condition. After the news are spread around, Reef must face the consequences. His behaviour, actions and language made him a young offender in the first place but he goes through some events that eventually changes him, making him a very dynamic character from the start to the end he was given a second chance. His life changed because he avoided the negatives of the past, learnt his lesson and improved as a good person by making good friends.
I am looking to improve on this challenge as a writer by focusing on explaining my quotes and explanations in a more supportive way that relates back to the thesis. Writing can be improved upon endlessly by minimizing your challenges as a writer.
Purpose: at the end of my speech the audience should change their perspective towards failure and use it as a guideline to success.
Scientific breakthroughs now allow the use of DNA tests for hair and blood samples that are about as reliable as fingerprint matching. While the evidence assists law enforcement, it allows defense attorneys to reopen cases to reevaluate solving crimes.
What is capital punishment? Capital punishment is legally killing someone because of the crime they have committed as a form of discipline. Death penalty laws were established back in the 18th Century B.C. In the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon it ordered the death penalty for about 25 different crimes and in the Seventh Century B.C.’s Draconian Code of Athens made the death penalty the punishment for all crimes. The death sentences were executed in many forms such as lethal injection, gas chamber, electrocution, hanging gas, firing squad and many more to name. The most common type of execution is hanging and the least common is electrocution. The types of executions vary in different countries and states. For example, hanging is used in the United States, Afghanistan, Jamaica, Delaware and Washington. Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, and Utah all use the firing squad as their form of execution. In states like North Carolina and Pennsylvania lethal injection is the primary method of execution opposed to Virginia who gives prisoners the option to choose between lethal injection or execution.