
Analyse The Importance Of An Enabling Environment

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An enabling environment is a place where children are able to play, learn and explore in a setting where they are loved, cared for and supported in any way.
Although children are biologically disposed to play, they will not be able to develop their play unless they get to spend time with people and have the chance to experience different situations which will encourage the development of the child’s play.
A setting which provides an enabling environment plays a vital role when it comes to supporting both children’s learning and development. It is commonly know that most children tend to learn best when they are in a supportive environment which will respond to their individual needs, as well as being surrounded by people who are loving and caring. An enabling environment is a “rich and varied space where risks are minimised and well managed, and children are protected from harm and abuse.” (Pre-school learning alliance). …show more content…

Enabling environments help young children to play more. This is because they feel more relaxed and safe in that environment. “Settings should provide a ‘challenging’ and ‘developmentally appropriate’ environment ‘based on children’s interests” (EYFS, 2017). The child’s EYP should know the child well enough to know when something has changed in their personality, good or bad, and then should be able to successfully safeguard the child if they felt as if they were in danger for whatever reason.
It is important that the environment within the setting is something that the practitioners are passionate about. This is so that the practitioners can help to inspire the children and can share their knowledge on a certain area, which will in turn enhance the enabling environment and can then have the opportunity to offer children with even more in-depth learning and development

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