
Analysis: Feminism Is For Everybody

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Feminism Is for Everybody tackles the issues of sexism, sexual exploitation, and oppression of man over women. Bell Hooks explains that feminism is not a term that describes women hating men, but rather a world free of sexism. That includes equal pay, equal rights and the inclusion of women in male dominating jobs. One of main arguments is that feminism is only beneficial towards women, however, Hooks does a great job at explaining that feminism is literally for everyone, hence the title. Feminism is genderless and a way of life. It’s a movement to stop stereotypes and labels in this patriarchal system existing in our society, and the only way to do so is if both men and women fight for the feminist cause.
Hooks also explains what feminism does not support. It does not support only privileged, upper-class women to succeed in the patriarchal society, but rather focuses on the improvement of all women despite their …show more content…

She speaks on “the enemy within,” which is our internalized sexism. Hooks states that “females have been socialized by patriarchal thinking to see ourselves as inferior to men, to see ourselves as always and only in competition with one another for patriarchal approval, to look upon each other with jealousy, fear, and hatred.” This way of thinking has been ingrained since everyone since childhood. This is very damaging to the development of children because little boys and girls don’t receive proper education on sexism so they never learn to think in a non-sexist way. Our internalized sexism encourages competition between women. Moving on to Chapter Six, Hooks discusses the feminine beauty. She states that our nation is obsessed with judging females and our looks. In the patriarchal society, women are expected to be a certain size and has a “perfect body.” Our bodies should be well-proportioned and being overweight is a horrible stigma that causes many women to self-hate and causes body

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