
Analysis Of 1, 000 Year-Old-Ghost

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In the story 1,000 Year-Old-Ghost by Laura Chow Reere, she shows how the removal of bad memories from the consciusness can have a negative result, because event thoughh there are potential memories, they are important in one’s life to live. In the story the character, Katie is teach by her grandma to pickle her memories, so she can erase them from her memories. Her gradma, also been doing the same thing and has pickle many memories that hurt her like the ones from her husband which die. So katies mom tells both her daughter and mom: “ I know Popo think this is the best, but memories are important even when they are painful, Im concerned about you,”she said. “Both of you.” This quote shows dialogue and how it was use to show how katies mother knows the pain that her daughter and mom are going through due to the fact that they keep pickling their memories and the mother is trying to tell them that all memories are important no matter how painful they because they make the person we are now. …show more content…

The dialogue supports teh claim in the way where it shows how the mom is trying to communicate with the characters to tell them the damage they are doing to themselves but Popo is obsess with pickling her memories and trying to make her grand-daughter do the same things. However there is more evidence to show how the removal of bad memoris from the conscinoius can have a negative result. In the middles of the story the character, Katie, starts to see and think of what pickcling memories are doing to her. In the story it says, “Popo never warned me to let it become a habit, a practice, a daily

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