
Analysis Of A Ballad 'A Bronzeville Mother'

Decent Essays

The imagery of a ballad in “A Bronzeville Mother” establishes the emotional mood of tragedy. The poem establishes this imagery of a ballad by stating, “Herself: the milk-white maid, the "maid mild"/ Of the ballad. Pursued/By the Dark Villain. Rescued by the Fine Prince” (Brooks 6-8). These are all typical roles in a ballad, but the poem goes on to paint a depressing picture that this is no typical balled. This can be seen in the image that is created for the dark villain, “The fun was disturbed, then all but nullified/ When the Dark Villain was a blackish child/ Of Fourteen, with eyes still too young to be dirty,/ And a mouth too young to have lost every reminder/Of its infant softness” (24-28). This image does not fit in with what a villain

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