“ You are a fool if you obey the rules” this is a slogan that is used nowadays, saying that people will face problem for following the rules in an overwhelmed way. Frank Trippett in his passage, A Red Light for Scofflaws, claims that the rules can sometimes cause some problems for you. He gives an example of tax codes and noise pollution that more and more ordinary citizens are becoming scofflaws. The author’s purpose is to warn people of breaking laws so that he can protect the law from the violent crimes. The author’s gives an authoritative tone for people who follow the rules a lot. Following the rules won’t make a fool, rules make everything looks better, if there is no rules, crimes will rise too high. Rules just make your life go easier.
Rules are made everywhere so that they can help people to live in a safe
Rules, sets of principles to control activities and or places. Rules are designed and put into place for a purpose. In the novel Anthem, the city has set rules and regulations to keep one common goal, Collectivism, or a practice where people think and make decisions for themselves. No men are able to think of others as closer to them than any others, or have preferences on things such as their profession. If a man thinks of these things anyway it is a transgression.
During World War 1, July 28th 1914 – November 11 1918, Australians were divided over the dispute of conscription: should people be forced to fight in the war? Conscription is the mandatory enrolment of a person for military service. It was a very contentious issue in Australia during 1916, as casualty rates in the war increased and the number of volunteers decreased. Prime Minister Billy Hughes decided to take the issue to the public in a referendum, Australian’s were given the option to vote either yes or no on the matter. There were two strong perspectives on the subject. Many people were against conscription, as they thought it was unethical and created employment issues. However, numerous people were for the idea of conscription as they
Rules are challenged all the time for many reasons. Rules should only be challenged at an appropriate time like maybe when you don’t agree with the rules and your against it. Sometimes challenging rules can have good consequences and bad consequences. In the poem “The Ballad of Birmingham” written by Dudley Randall and the story “Candide” written by Voltaire both have rules, but in one story the rules were followed and the other rules were broken.
“ If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law”-Winston Churchill
Therefore, it is not the act of the person, but rather a consequence of applying the rules by
cuts down on the misbehavior that you would have to deal with if you did not have rules
Individuals often yield to conformity when they are forced to discard their individual freedom in order to benefit the larger group. Despite the fact that it is important to obey the authority, obeying the authority can sometimes be hazardous especially when morals and autonomous thought are suppressed to an extent that the other person is harmed. Obedience usually involves doing what a rule or a person tells you to but negative consequences can result from displaying obedience to authority for example; the people who obeyed the orders of Adolph Hitler ended up killing innocent people during the Holocaust. In the same way, Stanley Milgram noted in his article ‘Perils of Obedience’ of how individuals obeyed authority and
Following rules also means following what it says on a sign. For example, stop signs, yield signs, traffic lights, mens and womens bathroom signs, pool signs (i.e. no
Second, many people believe that by being honest and open they are winning people’s hearts and showing their good nature. Those people are easy to spot, if they want to be liked, they will have to pay the price. This Law requires two main skills. One, to have the control over your words and gestures, but also to read peoples gestures and sometimes call their bluff.
In his critique of Austin’s work, Hart believes that in making coercion and sanction a central component of the nature of law, Austin imagines a world filled with “bad men”, a term introduced by Oliver Wendell Holmes to describe a person who is more concerned with avoiding the adverse consequences of disobedience of the law (or using Hart’s terminology, a person taking an external point of view). However, Austin overlooks the fact that most people in a society could be considered “puzzled men”, which describes a person who is prepared to comply with the law, as long as they are told what they have to do (or again using Hart’s terminology, a person taking an internal point of view). Therefore, Hart maintains that Austin’s account of the nature of law overlooks the fact that most people take an internal point of view towards the rules. The majority of people do not take into account the sanctions that may befall them if they do not comply; they simply comply because they see the law as a reason to modify their behaviour.
act in favour of justice yet it is better to follow the law than to
Have you ever heard the quote¨rules are rules¨,Well that's true because you have to live by some rules to survive and not go crazy and help your future self out a bit.I have rules to live by to help me get out of school and got to college and make a good job and just to not worry about what people have to say about me and not worrying about stuff.Living with rules can make your life a whole lot easier being able to look at a list of rules if you have a problem or need a explanation for what's happening and if you need help you can look at your ¨Rules¨ and be able to help yourself.
Without rules and regulations all civilization would plunge into chaos, as there would be nothing protecting us from one another’s most basic self serving instincts, and sometimes self-destructive habits. Often time’s simple rules and regulations protect us from ourselves, such as not touching a hot furnace or driving through an intersection when the light is red. If we look just at laws of the road one can quickly see how many devastating accidents would occur (and how many lives would be ruined) if no one followed the rules of the road. Without the utmost care to follow these rules, things that could easily be prevented may happen, resulting in very negative things.
William O. Douglas said, “Common sense often makes good law.” Well that is what laws essentially are, rules and regulations that make sure common sense is followed. One could even say that laws are enforced ethics. Laws serve several roles and functions in business and society, and this paper will discuss those roles and functions.