
Analysis Of Being Feared : Masculinity In A Public Space

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In Kristen Day’s “Being feared: masculinity in a public space” performed through the Department of Planning, Policy, and Design at the University of California Irvine, she attempts to look at men's perspectives on being feared, or not feared, in a public space. Public space according to Day is, “generally accessible places outside of the home, which are used on a temporary basis” (Day, 569). Examples of public spaces she is referring to would be streets, elevators, and shopping malls perhaps. She also studies racial meanings in public spaces. Day is researching this topic after she has already studied women’s fear in public space. She gathers her research by performing one on one interviews with 82 male college students at The University of California, Irvine located in a segregated community in Orange County, California using a social constructionist approach. In simpler terms, a social constructionist approach follows the idea that every person’s involvement and encounters with others molds how they view the world around them (Day, 570). The participants ages ranged from 18 to 36 years old. Majority of the population she conducted her research on are Asian/American and white. Through her study, she stated that men are more feared in public space compared to women. The results of who was feared by race are: 53% of whites, 52% Asian/American, 100% of black men, 82% Hispanic/Latino, and 42% of multiple and other race groups. Majority of the men she interviewed, being

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