Barney Stinson Character Analysis The psychological analysis of a show can be tricky; with the terms and the different ways to analyze behavior it can be confusing. The character that I chose to analyze is Barnabus “Barney” Stinson, one of the main characters in of the show “How I Met Your Mother,” portrayed by Neil Patrick Harris. “How I Met Your Mother,” HIMYM, is a comedy sitcom on CBS that rotates around the life of five friends in New York. The show centers around Ted Mosby and his never-ending quest of finding true love. The series is narrated by future Ted, in which he tells his children in an extremely detailed and elaborate story the story in how he finally met their mother. Usually involving his stories is Barney, one of Ted’s best …show more content…
Defense mechanisms are thought to safeguard the mind against feelings and thoughts that are too difficult for the conscious mind to cope with. In some instances, defense mechanisms are thought to keep inappropriate or unwanted thoughts and impulses from entering the conscious mind. The six main defenses that the ego uses to help protect the mind with the most primitive being denial. Repression, projection, displacement, regression, and redirection are the other remaining of the main defenses. Barney uses denial in many situations within the show. He accepts the lies that his mother tells him because the truth is too hard for him to believe. Barney’s mother once told him that Bob Barker from “The Price is Right” was his father and Barney accepted it as truth even though it was far-fetched and unbelievable. Barney’s mother told him several unbelievable lies similar to that and he accepted them as truth all the way into his adulthood. Displacement is another defense Barney uses for his real desire to get married and have a family with the girl he loves, Robin, but because of his fears of commitment he sleeps around with several different women. A Freudian psychologist would most definitely say that Barney is going through the phallic stage. The phallic stage occurs from the age’s three to six, Barney is going through this stage because he finds pleasure using his …show more content…
By looking at the Five-Factor Model of personality we can look closer at Barney’s personality. The Big Five dimensions are openness to experiences, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Barney is definitely an extravert person, as he is very outgoing and is always looking to meet new people especially women. He loves the bar life, drinking, and having new experiences. The next dimension would be openness to experiences, which include adventure, imagination, and unusual ideas. Barney fits this dimension well as he usually creates ridiculous customs and characters to trick women into sleeping with him. He likes to have adventure and new experiences as he takes comments such as “No one can do this” as a challenge, while announcing loudly “Challenge Accepted.” He will even go as far as to take a year to fulfill a challenge even if the person who “challenged” him doesn’t even remember, as seen when Barney took a year to get Ted to grow a mustache in the episode called Ten Sessions. The next dimension would be agreeableness, which includes compassion, friendliness, and altruism. Although, Barney would not agree with this trait because he would like people to think of he is not softhearted or compassionate especially with the way he treats women. He cares deeply for his friends, mother and brother.
On April 6, 1968, in West Oakland, 17 year old Bobby Hutton was shot dead by police. Bobby Hutton was shot ten times after his house is set on fire and he is forced to run out into a fire of bullets.
Michael Strahan has a net worth of $45 million. He is a retired football player, actor, author, entrepreneur, and is currently a talk show host. How he made it NFL Michael is a former player for the NFL team New York Giants. He became an NFL player in 1993.
Bobby Flay was born on December 10th, 1964 in New York. At age 8, he asked for an Easy-Bake Oven even though his father objected the idea. Bobby was a High School dropout and worked at a pizza parlor. Later on, he took a position making salads at Jo Allen Restaurant in Manhattan's Theater District, where his father was a partner.. The proprietor, Joe Allen, was impressed by Flay's natural ability and agreed to pay his partner's son's tuition at the French Culinary Institute. As he gained more experience, he liked the thought of going to the French Culinary Institute.
Bobby Seale was born in Texas, on October 22, 1936. He similar to Newton moved to Berkley and lived in crowded, dirty housing projects. Throughout his childhood he was constantly surrounded by poverty, partly due to his father not receiving a proper education. He joined the U.S. Air Force but then was discharged after he began to curse at his superior, for disrespecting him. He then enrolled to Meritt College and joined the Afro-American Association, where he met Newton.
Welcome, friends and family. We are gathered here this afternoon to pay respects to the memory of Cotton. John Cotton. I Gerald Goodenow , feel it is an obligation and honor to be here on behalf of my fellow brothers, Shecker, Teft, Lally 1 and Lally 2, to rejoice the legacy of relationships that will never disappear.
I pondered the same inquiry— to myself of course. I couldn’t verbalize it to anyone. Who could I? Her brother – my good friend Tommy Keegan? No! Her? No way! The question seemed to fit, though I wasn’t clear as to what my query meant.
This article by Brian Stalter talks about a 17 year old that now works at Yahoo. So Yahoo has a new employee that is 17 and his name is Nick D'Aloisio. He was at the age of 12 he loved technology and started to code things. Yahoo took a chance on Nick because he was young and he could mess things up like projects and other things. So other employees thought he was to young but Nick did not care. But he was about to turn 18 so he was not that young to work at a nice job like Yahoo. He gets a lot of money because he made a app for all phones and someone bought his idea. Also because he works at Yahoo and he does things that gives him money but he does not brag he is humble. So he is a nice person to meat and a very smart person too since he was
The preceding words originate from a song that secular recording artist Bobby Brown performed depicting an entitlement to living life however one wanted. However, regrettably Brown’s personal philosophy on life is devoid of the dire eminent consequences associated with this philosophy, and it ultimately led to destruction and ruin in his family and career. On the other hand, unlike Brown, according to Isaac Newton’s third law, “every action whether good or bad leads to a reaction,” which I believe is applicable to hold all of us accountable in how we decide to live our everyday lives. I concur, choose, and practice Newton’s third law and have adopted it as my philosophy in my daily life rather than Brown’s.
In the essay titled “Blue Collar Brilliance” author Mike Rose argues that many fields of work involve using a high amount of mental cognition to work efficiently and effectively, including working class occupations. Rose gives two anecdotes of personal family members who used their “blue collar brilliance” to succeed in their respective fields of work. While many people are quick to assume less schooling for a career requires less intelligence, Rose shows how even manual labor can use a high amount of intelligence with a story of his uncle who was promoted from an entry level line worker to a supervisor for a whole department. The employees who use their intelligence and cognition are the ones who are accomplished and promoted even if they
In psychology personalities are developed through several theorist, but from these personalities can become skewed, causing a psychological disorder on a person's personality. These personality disorders can commonly be seen in about 31 million Americans, which densely equals out to 15% of our population population (Davis, n.d.). Psychological disorders are seen as behavior patterns or mental processes that creates a difficulty for oneself or a hinder on an individual's strength to endure certain situations that take place in life everyday. Disorders are primarily discovered through psychological testing, however, it is possible to identify them through watching psychological films or thrillers. In this case, the character Joan Crawford will be analyzed for her dominant personality disorders in the movie Mommie Dearest. While watching the movie Mommie Dearest the audience can easily recognize obsessive cleaning rituals, a fantasy over one’s own success, and dramatic changes of moods that swing up and down. The main character, Joan Crawford, displays dominant characteristics of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, bipolar disorder, and a narcissistic personality disorder. As an audience we see that these disorders become very upsetting to those that are close to her, affecting her relationships with everyone and everything, specifically with her daughter Christina.
Psychologists constantly offer new testable hypothesis to expand our knowledge on human behavior. This paper will include an analysis of a podcast and a research article. From this analysis, a hypothesis on birth order will be offered toward the end of this paper.
Robert Lawrence Stine, commonly known as R.L. Stine is one of the best children's authors in the world. He sometimes goes by Jovial Bob Stine, too. He started writing when he was nine years old and has not stopped since. As a child, he wrote magazines, funny stories, and jokes. Once he got older he started writing horror stories. His first young adult book was Blind Date. A couple of years later, he started working on his most famous series Goosebumps and Fear
In “Blue-Collar Brilliance” Mike Rose argues that although blue-collar jobs require less schooling, they require just as much intelligence as white-collar jobs because they must learn on the job and deal with different people every day. Rose supports this argument by discussing his mother and uncles’ lives, explaining how intelligence is gained through blue-collar work and showing the similarities and differences of blue-collar work and white-collar work.
As I was reading through our psychology book I came across a quote that really stuck out to me. ‘You can observe a lot by watching someone’ by Yogi Berra. Which is true, every single person has their own quirks and tells. Not many people really watch someone and notice them. When we do it’s like you can see inside someone’s mind and have a totally different perspective of them. Observing someone and trying to figure out why they do the little things they do is truly astonishing. Mostly because sometimes the person doesn’t even know why they do it themselves. It takes some people a life time to figure out themselves. I myself just had little over a week to watch Springer and really see why she does everything and the reason behind it.
Through the years that have passed, there has been a high progress in the science fields that have come to bring about new discoveries from a plant many call marijuana. The intriguing effects that come from the cannabis plant have slowly started to unveil, claiming many positive talks in the medical industry in treating terrible diseases that have affected millions of people. But it used to be talked about like a very terrible thing back in the day from all the talk that was happening being reported by the government. Which ultimately caused it to become illegal nationwide.