
Analysis Of Bolman And Deal's Symbolic Frameworks

Satisfactory Essays

Bolman & Deal suggest that leaders display leadership behaviors in one of four types of frameworks: Structural, Human Resources, Political and Symbolic (Bolman & Deal, 2008). Unlike the other four frames, the Symbolic frame sees an organizational life an ongoing drama: individuals coming together to create context, culture, and meaning as they play their assigned roles and bring artistry and self-expression to their work (Schein, 2004). It is important for leaders who utilize the Symbolic leadership that what he or she does is important. The manager then has to relay this vision to the employees instilling in them that their work and the work of the organization is important and meaningful. Symbolic frame is important to every organization because it takes into account the traditions, ceremonies and rituals that make the company unique from other companies or departments within the organization itself.

Of all the frameworks, the Symbolic frame was the most difficult for me to relate to DCMA. DCMA is dedicated to the war fighter and its …show more content…

For example, when I worked at Cavalier Homes in the floor department they would tie you up with duct tape, hang you from a hoist, and paint you with the water proofing spray that we used on the trailer. The ritual was conducted at the end of the day just before everyone went home on the Friday of your second week of work. The second Friday was also important because most people quit the first week of work because the work was hot and difficult. As an added bonus, they would leave you there but would give you a utility knife so you could cut yourself down. This sounds cruel and it does ruin your clothes but everyone who completes the ritual is now part of the floor department, which means they stick together. The ritual opened the door for Saturday over time as well as service call trips to other states to fix trailer

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