
Analysis Of Christian Echatology In The Revelation Of Jesus Christ

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Eschatology can be defined by Merriam Webster as “a belief concerning death, the end of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humankind”, and can be seen as a sort of endgame for those involved in the stories in the Bible and other religious texts. Christian eschatology is found in the Book of Revelation, or otherwise know as “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”, and depicts how they believe that the final destiny of both humanity and the world will come about. To make the summary brief, it is believed that Revelation is written by Saint John, and he is told the revelation of Jesus Christ through prophetic visions, is taken to the throne of heaven and is shown what is going to happen, and seven messages are sent to seven churches throughout the world. It is then said that the seven seals will break, each unleashing a different plague upon the world of man, seven trumpets are then sounded, and sinners, including those who are known as the False Prophet and the beast are cast into the eternal lake of fire, and a New Jerusalem is created. In this new city God now lives alongside his creation Humanity, and there is no more suffering or death. The Book of Revelation itself is a cause for debate between theological scholars dependent upon how they view the content in the book itself. Generally, there are 4 schools of thought when it comes to interpreting the Book of Revelation. The Preterist view believes that all of the prophecies were fulfilled during the time of the Roman Empire,

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