
Analysis Of Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market

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Christina Rossetti, sister to Dante Gabriel Rossetti, was part of the Pre-Raphaelite movement and was known to be a devout Anglican. Her renowned poem Goblin Market tells the story of two sisters who are tempted to buy exotic fruit from goblin men. With one tempted to eat the fruit, the other risks her life against the goblins to save her sister. The ending of the story allows good to prevail over evil, like every typical fairy-tale, as the two women recount their ordeal to their children. While at a first view, the poem may seem child-like, certain interactions of the sisters and the goblins suggest otherwise. Despite Christina Rossetti's poem intended audience to be children, Goblin Market represents the dangers of female desire through it's …show more content…

Given the overall story, it can be argued it is meant for children as it seems like a fairy tale. This is to say, it provides a fantasy setting which leans towards nature, a problem, a heroine attempting to defeat mythical creatures followed with a happy ending and moral message. However, while Christina Rossetti intends for her poem to be targeted for children, (as well as claim she didn’t mean any embedded metaphor) the similarities between children literature and adult erotica fantasy suggest contrarily. In Lorraine Janzen Koostra’s article “Goblin Market as a Cross-Audienced Poem: Children’s Fairy Tale, Adult Erotic Fantasy”, she explains that the two genres are closer than expected. She states “[both genres] rely on sexual constraints […] to construct their implied audience” (Koostra 183). She further adds, “each takes its definition from implicit assumptions about sexuality” (183). With both these statements, it shows the potential Goblin Market holds as intended for an adult audience. Yet, Koostra further argues that the original publication of her poem would be “produced for adults” (184). It is understandable that her poem would first past through the hands of adults in order for it to be published, and it is only many years later that it is considered a children fairy tale story. Therefore, while Christina Rossetti may claim

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