
Cinderella In The Classroom By Ella Westland

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Articles have been the center of criticism due to the fact in which they are often bias in portraying one side of a story; however, there are articles which are informative and state other authors and provide evidence to support their claim. In Ella Westland article “Cinderella in the Classroom. Children’s Response to Gender Roles in Fairy-tales” Westland contradicts the indication she strongly beliefs about girls being resistant readers. She also demonstrates concrete support providing concrete and valid evidence through the study she conducted despite it being an intelligent source of evidence; she does not fully view what she has gathered to create a strong conclusion. In addition, her conclusion lacks a clear verdict due to the fact in which her choice in diction was not of assistance to making the reader believe what her studied portrayed. In Westland’s article, she discusses the study she conducted amongst a group of schoolchildren to determine if the feminist hypothesis in which traditional fairy tales reinforce the traditional values of women and the patriarchy vitality to society. She then conducts the experiment consisting of children hearing traditional fairy tales and depicting their favorite character, stating if they would want to be a princess or prince, and lastly writing their own fairytales. She unveils the results of the children responses in the first stage of the experiment the boys and girls had different responses; majority of the girls portrayed a beautiful princess, on the other hand, majority of boys depicted a masculine figure. Concluding the first stage of the experiment Westland states “feminist fears of the harmful influence of fairy tales would be vindicated” (Westland 241). This conclusion, however, develops a different perspective when she hears the children's responses when they answer the question if they would be a prince or princess; the majority of girls state they would not due to the lack of independence while the boys would be princes due to the wealth and power. When the children wrote their stories majority of girls developed a tomboy independent protagonist, however, there were still girls who preferred the more feminine protagonist, and on the other hand, the boys

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