
Analysis Of Commencement Speech By David Foster Wallace

Decent Essays

One of the finest commencement speeches was given by David Foster Wallace at Kenyon College. Wallace’s speech can be viewed as enlightening to those who are often blindly single-minded. It forces the audience to take a look at the way they approach everyday situations, rather than being self-centered, consider others before yourself. However, many overlook Wallace’s impeccable rhetorical maneuvers, focusing on the constant clichés and fictional anecdotes used. What people don’t realize is these clichés and fictional anecdotes are what make Wallace’s speech effective and reinforce the basic principles we were taught as a child, to share and think of others before ourselves. Overlooking Wallace’s flawless technique is doing a disservice to …show more content…

He does not put himself on a pedestal. Everyone is sometimes selfish, oblivious, close-minded, and much more, but he is persuading the audience to believe that you can get more out of life if you chose to see it from all sides, to think with a purpose. He is not accusing the audience of not being able to think, it’s the way in which we think needs to be trained. Throughout Wallace’s commencement, he uses different scenarios to explain how easy it is to become a single-minded person. Each time he uses a different example it relates back to his main point that we must condition our minds to think a different way that we have been for the past umpteen years of our life. It is no longer “About MY hungriness and MY fatigue and MY desire to just get home, and it’s going to seem for all the world like everybody else is just in my way,” as Wallace use of repetition and emphasis on “MY” displays his argument in a clear manner the way he wanted it to be understood. He relates our desires of “MY” to our ability to change, but only we have the power to make ourselves change, no one else. We need to condition ourselves to think of others before ourselves, “It’s a matter of my choosing to do the work of somehow altering or getting free of my natural, hard-wired default setting which is to be deeply and literally

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