This story is about a family that live in amsterdam during the Holocaust inside of a secret annex. The date of the first part of the story is July 6, 1942. By the end of the story there are a total of 8 people in the secret annex there is Mr. Frank, Mrs. Frank, Margot, Anne, Mr. Van Daan
Mrs. Van Daan, Peter, and Mr. Dussel which to me is a devious kind of character, there are 2 people helping them in the secret annex Miep Gies and Mr. Kraler. There are three character traits courage, compassion, and sacrifice. I would like to talk about courage first according to courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty,danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.
The person I think shows courage is Mr.
Courage is the ability to do something that frightens you. Many words can mean courage. Bravery, fearlessness, daringness, valour. They all mean the same thing and they all require the same attributes. Courage is being able to have determination, boldness and perseverance. The same attributes were needed to survive the Holocaust. The Holocaust was not only about devastation and depletion, it meant having remarkable courage and strength to live.
The year is 1942. They are hiding for their lives; struggling to survive. In “The Diary of Anne Frank”, written by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, There is a group of people in the annex that are in hiding because the Nazis are targeting Jews. The Franks, Van Daans and a dentist named Mr. Dussel are the people hiding in the annex and they are the Jews in hiding, they are forced to make hard choices that will determine their future and they are trying to stay hidden from the Nazis so they can survive the Holocaust. The Holocaust is the Nazis and Adolf Hitler killing and capturing anyone and everyone that doesn't agree with them.
Henry, the main character from, "The Red Badge of Courage" by Stephan Crane, showed many different emotions and reactions to battle. The essay will show how nature and human life are similar. In the same sense that the emotions that Henry portrayed fear and bravery in numerous occasions throughout the story; in the end his youthfulness got the best of him. In the first battle Henry stayed with his unit. However, in the second battle, he ran away from the battle. From these two extremely different reactions, it can be determined that Henry was going through internal battles as well as external battles.
9a. Courage and bravery- the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty,danger, and pain; making a fine appearance
Courage & Defiance is about World War Two in Denmark. On April 9, 1940, the government of Denmark had surrendered to the Nazis. The reason that the government surrendered was because that the army was very small and weak compared to the Germans. There are thirty-two characters in this novel, but I will name of the ones that sound the most important to me: Niels Skov, Jorgen Kieler, Thomas Sneum. These people spied and sabotage the Nazis in order to save their country.
During the Holocaust over 6 million Jews were killed in Europe. A lot of them were taken to concentration camps across Europe and forced to work. If they were not fit for labor they were executed at the camps with no chance for survival. While all of this was going on in the outside world, the Franks and the Van Daan's were living in a “Secret Annex” behind Otto Frank's old office building. There were a total of eight people, they are the following: Anne Frank, Margot Frank, Otto Frank, Edith Frank, Peter Van Daan, Hans Van Daan, and Petronilla Van Daan, and Mr. Dussel. They lived a quiet and small, but safe life.
Ordinary courage is a book that tells the story of an ordinary man who is inlisted in the continental army in the revolutionary war. Joseph Plumb Martin is the young man fighting in this war, at the time he entered he was just a mere 16 year old kid but by the time his time in the continental army was up he became a man. This is a first person memoir of what it was like for a regular person living in a war zone, and dealing with the everyday fears of food shortage, low morale, and danger of attack. This is something that many people in todays world could not handle because even some of the old guys in the
In the play “Anne Frank” they are located in Amsterdam July 6th 1942. They are in hiding in what is called the Annex during WWII. The people at the Annex are Anne Frank, Margot Frank, Mr.Frank and Mrs. Frank, Peter Van Daan, Mr. Van Daan, Mrs. Van Daan, and Mr Dussel, we know this because Mr. Frank gave Anne Frank a diary and she wrote in the diary a lot giving us this information. In times like this, you would need lots of Courage, Compassion, and Sacrifice to get through the tough times.
During The Holocost and World war II there is a family that goes into hiding along with another family. A 13 year old girl, Anne Frank and her familly hides in a secret annex behind a bookcase in a warehouse. After two years in the warehouse gets a new owner who tells on the families that are living in the annex. At first they are all sent to a holding camp but soon after they are split up and sent to a work camp. Annes mom is sent to the gas chamber in which she dies at. Anne's sister become extrememly ill with the Typus diease and not long after Anne also gets sick from the same diease. During Anne's stay in the annex she writes in a diary. When her family is foumd it gets left behind and one of the people who helped hid the family kept it for her. Anne's father, the only surviver, reads her diary and publishes it. Her diary
Courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger or pain. There are many types of courage. Facing physical danger, following morals and maintaining ones views no matter how much criticism one faces is courage. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, courage is evident throughout the book. By examining characters in the book, physical, emotional and social courage can be found hence showing that courage comes in various forms.
There are a couple of people in the Holocaust in hiding all summer. The date was in 1939. Two specific families, the Franks and the Van Dan’s, are in hiding from the Nazi’s. They’re in hiding because they are Jews. The Jew’s were treated badly. Anne, Margot and Peter have some similarities and differences.
A courageous action most often is associated with reaching a goal or task of importance, despite the dangers even risks associated with it (“Courage”). For any specific act to be considered truly courageous it must be reasonably thought about and determined that the goal is well worth the risk or danger (“Courage”). Courage so often can be put with words such as heroic, and bravery although with courage there can be a fine line between courageous acts and plain foolishness. All this can make people believe that courage only applies to physical actions. There are two kinds of courage moral and physical in many cases they are both displayed in a single courageous act; however, bravery must come before all else, because they are associated with reaching a task of importance regardless of risk.
Summary: Reshma Saujani Society, today, doesn't focus on a person's heart, instead it focuses on their appearance, faults and failures. Especially with girls, our society judges them on how they should meet certain standards to have that "perfect body". But Reshma Saujani asserts that our girls should be taught bravery, not perfection. Saujani is the founder of "Girls Who Code". She encourages girls to take risk and learn the program.
Could you imagine spending two years in a dwelling, no bigger than a one bedroom apartment, scared to live every day? Well, life in the secret annex was scary. Every day the Frank family {Mr.Frank,Mrs.Frank,Anne} along with the Van Daan family {Mr.Van Daan,Mrs.Van Daan, peter} and Mr.Dussel were hiding in this dwelling to save their lives, and just because they were Jewish. This was happening during the Holocaust period, the most horrific period of time. Amsterdam, Holland is where it all began.
In the chapter “Notes”, Tim O’Brien explains where his inspiration for the previous chapter, “Speaking of Courage”, comes from. He received a letter from his old friend Norman Bowker talking about how he lacks purpose in life after the war, how nothing seems real or worthwhile to him anymore. He explains how he read O’Brien’s other book and asks him to write a chapter about a war veteran in his own situation. Eventually, O’Brien writes the chapter to fit into his current narrative. He sends the published chapter to Norman and he says that it’s alright, but it’s missing key points; it’s missing the whole point. Later on, Norman hangs himself and O’Brien rewrites the chapter the way it was meant to be and puts it into his new book, The Things They Carried.