
Analysis Of Creon 's ' Antigone '

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Creon has more balance with public law as he the one who enforces the law. Not to be brutal but to set example for his people. He seems to show that he have a feeling of sympathy but he could not go back on his orders knowing the positon he carry. Firm and focus was his personally way of handling thing in the book. Antigone has a more balance view of private morality as she feel like regardless of the law stating she cannot bury her brother she will , being that burying him is the right thing to do. Antigone and Creon beliefs made them had difference and did not understand each other. Tragedy soon unraveled silently.

Holding responsibility for being a king seems too had been hard for Creon. For he was not originally supposed to be king instead he could have felt he had no other choice. Wanting to better his people and the town from the tragedy that had occurred early with king Oedipus. He showed sign of stress of his people returning to dark times when there was no king. He became extremely strict on punishment for laws that was broken and although he might not completely mean to come off brutal but in some people eyes including Antigone he did. The vison he had towards punishment showed major role in public law. Living the shadows of siblings haunted Antigone. Not feeling she is worthy, she questions everything including her engagement .She felt as nobody knew who she personally was without being compared to her sister Ismene. The feeling of being

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