
Analysis Of Elizabeth Eckford 's ' Little Rock Nine '

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When a child is growing up the way they learn is through observation, then they mimic the typical actions of their parents and other family members because these are the people babies and young children interact with most often, and they are also role models for children, especially when they are young. When a child is born it doesn’t talk or act, whatever the child sees or hears it imitates because it is trying to learn and do what the adult is doing. Nevertheless, when a child grows up to be an adult, they are able to make their own choice on what is morally permissible and morally impermissible. No one is born a racist; they just copy what they see and hear. In 1957 Elizabeth Eckford became one of the 'Little Rock Nine ' who were the African Americans to attend Little Rock High School. She was harassed in school simply because of the color of her skin. One day she was walking and a group of racist, white people were behind her yelling racial slurs. In the book, the author states the reporters on the scene of this incident recorded the event; “But the reporters on the scene scribbled down what they heard: “Lynch her! Lynch her!” “No nigger bitch is going to get in our school!” “Get out of here!” “Go back where you came from!” “Go home, nigger!” “Throw her out!” “Nigger, go back where you belong!” “Send her back to the NAACP and Eleanor Roosevelt!” “You’ve got a better school of your own!” (Margolick 36). Someone who overheard these shouts and jeers might wonder why this

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