
Analysis Of Evolution And Revolution: Leadership Media Strategies, By Timothy E. Cook

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Evolution and Revolution Response Paper The main ideas of the essay Evolution and Revolution: Leadership Media Strategies, by Timothy E. Cook, are the impacts of the media in the legislative branch and the politicians who used the media throughout the years and why Newt Gingrich was so successful. The author’s thesis stated that, since the spring of 1995, Newt Gingrich was able to gain many televised press conferences, interviews and a nationally televised speech (368). Timothy’s thesis is significant because it gives the reader the insight that the media does play in role in the legislative branch and not just in the executive branch. Timothy E. Cook starts his essay with introducing Newt Gingrich, who claimed to be an outsider to appeal …show more content…

First and foremost, although the author has strong evidence to contradict the idea that Gingrich created a “revolution in the speakership,” the evidence Cook uses is not effective (368). The reason behind is because Gingrich was able to get all this attention from the media in his first 100 days as Speaker and the other examples provided by the author do not include how long those individuals were in office before they got that same attention. He never mentioned how many years, or days, Senator Everett Dirksen and Representative Charles Halleck were in office before “Ev and Charlie Show” began (370). Secondly, the title of the essay is Evolution and Revolution: Leadership Media Strategies however the content of the essay has less to do with media strategies throughout the years and more to do with how Newt Gingrich did not cause the revolution of speakership and how involving the media is the wrong path to take. Therefore, the title is misleading and should have been titled more appropriately. I would have titled the essay, The Media: Enemy or Ally since it does mention that the media has the ability to use the information provided to them and put a spin to the information to gain viewers and achieve that “good story” …show more content…

However, as I continued to read, I began to see some correlation between the reading and what is currently taking place, in the months leading up to the 2016 Presidential election. It is apparent that the media plays a huge and uncontrollable role in our government and as technology continues to improve, the effect of the media gets worst. Currently, the media is attacking Donald Trump which only adds to his fame and name recognition which will almost guarantee his success as the next president even though the media was supposed to voice the beliefs of candidates in terms of what actions they will take to improve our country, and not the finger sizes of candidates or other ridiculous insults. However, leaving the ridicule aside, one statement that I agreed with in the essay was that Gingrich had said that he wants to make sure that the “House is co-equal of the White House” (369). What Gingrich said demonstrates his ambition to attempt to achieve the separation of powers between the branches because it is common sense that the executive branch should not be the only one able to use the

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