
Analysis Of Family Psychoeducation Therapy

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The above role play was the first family psychoeducation therapy session that included the client and her parents. Here, the social work intern provides information on substance use disorder, facilitates the interactions, and provides community resource. Family psychoeducation is the primary treatment model applied with the family; conjointly includes elements of cognitive behavioral therapy techniques. A major purpose of the session, was extending the therapeutic relationship with the entire family, acknowledging and providing a means to express caregiver stress and subsequent impact on the client. Furthermore, proffer educational material and behavior management, and lastly rendered information on community resources. Prior to the session, an established rapport existed among the social work intern and client, thus focusing joining towards the parents and family. The intern begins by acknowledging and praising …show more content…

then expresses the impact of triggers; in conjunction, the social worker shifts to probing their knowledge on the topic. While continuing the use of empathy with the family. The social worker uses CBT to problem solve how the family can improve handling the client’s behaviors. By delving into the client’s reasons for certain behaviors attributed to her coping techniques, challenging the parent’s negative cognitions about her substance use. Then, replaced by positive thinking and therefore better able to provide support to the client. This depicts an improvement in the communication between client and parents. And, again normalizing why they may question her behaviors, but also acknowledging the strength in improving their understanding of her behaviors, reinforcing the healthy interaction. At this point, you observe the father involved in problem solving with his daughter, reemphasizing the enhancement of the family function. Finally, social work intern summarized by reiterating their strengths and incorporating information on community

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