The above role play was the first family psychoeducation therapy session that included the client and her parents. Here, the social work intern provides information on substance use disorder, facilitates the interactions, and provides community resource. Family psychoeducation is the primary treatment model applied with the family; conjointly includes elements of cognitive behavioral therapy techniques. A major purpose of the session, was extending the therapeutic relationship with the entire family, acknowledging and providing a means to express caregiver stress and subsequent impact on the client. Furthermore, proffer educational material and behavior management, and lastly rendered information on community resources. Prior to the session, an established rapport existed among the social work intern and client, thus focusing joining towards the parents and family. The intern begins by acknowledging and praising …show more content…
then expresses the impact of triggers; in conjunction, the social worker shifts to probing their knowledge on the topic. While continuing the use of empathy with the family. The social worker uses CBT to problem solve how the family can improve handling the client’s behaviors. By delving into the client’s reasons for certain behaviors attributed to her coping techniques, challenging the parent’s negative cognitions about her substance use. Then, replaced by positive thinking and therefore better able to provide support to the client. This depicts an improvement in the communication between client and parents. And, again normalizing why they may question her behaviors, but also acknowledging the strength in improving their understanding of her behaviors, reinforcing the healthy interaction. At this point, you observe the father involved in problem solving with his daughter, reemphasizing the enhancement of the family function. Finally, social work intern summarized by reiterating their strengths and incorporating information on community
Psychodynamic therapy has been around for ages, and has been very beneficial for clients who are suffering from an array of difficulties in life. This form of therapy has the client focus on the past and understand how it has positively or negatively affected his/her behavior and outlook on life. There are many advantages and disadvantages to taking this historical approach when working with families.
Interventions that counselors can conduct when working with families of substance abusing adolescents, is family therapy because it can focus on a wide variety of problems. Other
Family therapy is a form of psychotherapy employed to assist members of a family in improving communication systems, conflict resolution, and to help the family to deal with certain problems that manifest in the behavior of members. In most cases, deviance in a family member is an indication of underlying family dysfunctions. This paper looks the counselling procedure that can be applied to help the Kline family solve their problems. It answers certain questions including those of the expected challenges during therapy and ways of dealing with the challenges.
More specifically, Freud traces the roots of all adult behaviors back to childhood impulses and showed how conflicts related to the development of sexuality in childhood subsequently results in psychopathology or neuroses. (Good & Beitman)
A main key concept of NT is that the problem a client presents with is viewed separate from the client. The problem is not the person; it is something the person has. Therefore, the goal of NT is to change the effects resulting from the problem and not the person themselves. To do this, NT uses the technique of externalizing the problem. To externalize the problem, the problem is first given a name and then it is explored and applied to the clients believes, values, behaviors, and ideals that has formed the clients identity. The negative aspects of these areas get rewritten into the new story. The process of externalizing the problem allows the client to see their problem separate from themselves so they can better
The purpose of proposing a substance abuse treatment group was to break the barriers that mother-child relationships may face in result to maternal addiction and substance-abuse. Treatment that is geared for maternal addicted mothers can help them recover quickly and protect their infant children from the dangers of drugs and health consequences. The program will be gender specific, distinctively for substance-dependent women who are mothers. The group will conduct its work by following through a four step recovery process with professionals who will help facilitate the treatment. There will be Licensed Clinical Social Workers, welfare social workers, treatment clinicians, counselors, addiction treatment nurses, and lead administers and staff.
Chesterfield County Center of Risk Reduction (CORR) is an alternative sentencing program for offenders identified with underlying treatment needs for substance use and post-traumatic stress disorder that enforces community supervision and provides individuals, group, and family therapy. The treatment program is driven by cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). As the social work intern, my role is to co-facilitate treatment groups, conduct individual and family sessions, case management, and complete clinical assessments, under the supervision of the treatment coordinator.
works the best for substance abuse, however, the group counselor could step in for individual counseling if Alice felt the need for one on one sessions during her recovery. A family counselor will be a part of the team since Alice is married and has two little girls and her drinking has affected the unit and the goal will be to make sure that we can strengthen the unit. With family counseling will be slowly brought into Alice’s recovery processed. It may look something like working with the couple first and then bringing the girls in later down the road once Alice and Michael and a firmer foundation built in this new stage of their relationship. A play therapist will be brought into for the girls to process their own experiences.
Counselors keep notes to document their counseling assessment, interventions and results and follow-up. Case notes are a memory aid used during a counseling session to record the conversation for consultation or to help facilitate referrals (Jacobs & Schimmel, 2013). It’s effective documentation used by the counselors to counsel, protect confidentiality, implement standard of treatment, utilizing appropriate interventions, describing the results of these interventions and documenting the disposition of the case. This tracks each treatment, theories used, interventions and the progress of their clients. Case notes is an informed observation method of how counselors can develop an assessment on how to work with their clients. I choose Dr.Buckley’s family counseling session of Aaron and Robyn seeking counseling regarding their adolescent daughter Michelle drinking alcohol.
As the new counselor for drug and alcohol counselling center, I am tasked with ensuring that my patients can recover from their stressful conditions. This paper is going to give an insight on the treatment plan options based on the adult development theories. As the counselor to Connor, an old patient suffering from drug and substance abuse and her daughter suffering from parental neglect known as Laura. In this regard, the paper will seek at discussing the strategies that will ensure a multidimensional development for Connor and Samantha, Laura’s neglected daughter as well as a wellness program in fostering a healthy relationship between them.
This essay will look reflectively over my first year as a student social worker and will describe my personal and professional development over this time. I will also reflect upon the communication skills required in relationship based practice, as well as considering emotional resilience and its importance with service users and other professionals.
Psychoeducational therapy is a skill taught, educational style of treatment. With its unpretentious and direct thought process, it is easy to comprehend the concept of how and why it works. This is a relatively new style approach of family therapy, compared to the established schools like psychodynamic, transgenerational, experiential, structural, strategic, and behavioral and cognitive-behavioral models. I selected this therapy because it is straight forward like me. The subjects that will be discussed within this paper comprise of its history, families dealing with mental disorders, medical family therapy, short-term educational programs, and a brief summary.
This essay is intended to evaluate one therapeutic intervention or theory that may be used in Family therapy. The theory being examined is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or for short CBT. The essay will begin with defining CBT and discussing the underlying principles, techniques and concepts of the approach. Some practical examples and scenarios of utilizing CBT will then be explored. Then the essay will proceed to a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of this therapeutic intervention. Finally a conclusion regarding employing such techniques will be made.
More importantly, newer research has investigated the importance of family-based therapy for adolescents who practice drug abuse. Research by Liddle et al. suggests that multidimensional family therapy reduces substance abuse, delinquency, risks for future problems, and encourages the protective processes more than group treatments over the course of one year (21-22). Although previous research on family-based
In my intervention program, I will be focusing on family stressors, more specifically how adolescences who struggle at home due to addiction in the family. program is designed to be an agent in coping successfully with having parent(s) who are addicts. Whether the parent is addicted to drugs, alcohol, or related problems, children are directly affected by their parent’s actions emotionally and mentally. This program would be year-round program with twelve steps. Each step will introduce a new technique to cope and help the child get through stresses and not become an addict themselves.